Encyclopedia Titanica

Clara Jennings Hays

First Class Passenger

Clara Jennings Hays
Clara Jennings Hays

Mrs Charles Melville Hays (Clara Jennings Gregg), 52, was born in St. Louis, Missouri. on 13th October, 1859.

She boarded the Titanic at Southampton with her husband Mr Charles Melville Hays and her maid Anne Perreault. They were joined on board by their daughter Orian Davidson and her husband Thornton. The family were returning to their home in Montreal, PQ. Travelling in first class, Mr and Mrs Hays occupied cabin B-69.

Mr Hays died in the sinking but Clara was rescued in Lifeboat 3.

The Hays' were travelling as guests of the White Star's managing director, Bruce Ismay. When she was asked to sue the White Star Line for damages, she imperiously replied, "When one is a guest, one does not sue one's host."

After the disaster, Clara Gregg Hays spent more time at her summer home in Cushing Island Maine, than she did in Montreal.

She died in Montreal 1 February 1955 and was buried next to her husband Charles Melville Hays at Mount Royal Cemetery, Montreal.


References and Sources

 Montreal Gazette, February 3, 1955, Obituary

Newspaper Articles

The Globe (15 April 1912) List of Rescued Includes Mr. Hays
White Star People Say the Hays Party is Safe.
Newark Evening News (19 April 1912) JERSEY DEATH ROLL DETAILS
Besides Residents of This State, Many Victims Had Connections Here
Chicago Examiner (19 April 1912) WIDOW AND DAUGHTERS OF HAYS SPEED HOME
Worcester Evening Gazette (20 April 1912) Pres. Hays Widow Leaves For Home
The Montreal Gazette (3 February 1955) Clara Hays Death Notice


St Louis Post-Dispatch (1912) Clara Hays as a young woman
From 'Sinking of the Titanic'


Derek Boles, USA
Peter Engberg-Klarström, Sweden
Phillip Gowan, USA
Pamela Hamilton
Alan Hustak, Canada
Diane Lapierre, Canada
Hugo Normandeau, Canada

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  1. Jason D. Tiller

    Jason D. Tiller

    Hi Gavin, Thank you for that information. I wasn't aware of that. Best regards, Jason

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Titanic Passenger Summary

Name: Mrs Clara Jennings Hays (née Gregg)
Age: 52 years 6 months and 2 days (Female)
Nationality: American
Marital Status: Married to Charles Melville Hays
Last Residence: in Montréal, Québéc, Canada
Embarked: Southampton on Wednesday 10th April 1912
Ticket No. 12749, £93 10s
Cabin No. B69
Rescued (boat 3)  
Disembarked Carpathia: New York City on Thursday 18th April 1912
Died: Tuesday 1st February 1955 aged 95 years

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