Encyclopedia Titanica

Eugénie Elise Lurette

Elise Lurette at her Paris home.
(Courtesy of Olivier Mendez, Association Français du Titanic)  

Miss Eugénie Elise Lurette was born in Hermonville in northern France on 16 November 1852, one of three daughters of Nicolas Lurette and Marie Gervais. The three sisters were named Euphrasie, Eulalie and Eugénie. The eldest, Euphrasie, married Jean Nanet in Trigny (France). The second, Eulalie married Félix Roulet in Fontaines (Switzerland). The youngest, Eugénie, didn't like her forename so she chose to be called Elise.

As live-in companion/maid Elise Lurette travelled through all the world with the Spencer family whom she served for more than thirty years1. She never learned to speak English fluently but she was able to hold a conversation in English albeit with a strong French accent.

The Spencers owned considerable amounts of land in Luzern, Switzerland. It was here that they built a castle named Drei Linden (now the Luzern music conservatory) where they would live during the summer season. They also owned an apartment in Paris and property in New York City.

Elise boarded the Titanic at Cherbourg on 10 April 1912. She travelled on the Spencer's ticket (No. PC 17569) and occupied cabin B-80. The next day she sent a postcard from Queenstown which read: "Many kisses to you all. Splendid, dazzling luxury, delighted by comfort unknown until this day. Your affectionate aunt."

She was in her cabin when crew knocked at her door telling her to evacuate the Titanic. She put her coat over her nightdress and, taking Mrs. Spencer with her, went on deck. In her coat was a plan of first-class accommodation, a menu card from 12 April, and a $5 coin.

Lurette recalled that when they were in the lifeboat (which one is uncertain) she saw people who dived from the Titanic freezing in a very short period of time. She remembered the screams in the darkness and that people who tried to climb in the lifeboat were pushed back in the water by its occupants who were afraid that the boat were overloaded. She rowed the whole night with the other survivors until they were picked up by the Carpathia.

On the Carpathia, sent a Marconigramm, which was transmitted on 17th April 1912 at 1.06 pm:

Mr Wolcott Lane 80 Broadway New York City
Mrs Spencer aboard Carpathia no information regarding
Mr Spencer Elise

When the Mackay Bennett arrived at Halifax at 9:30 am on 30 April 1912, Miss Lurette searched in vain for Mr Spencer's body.

In her later years Elise Lurette divided her time between her apartment at 98, rue Ballard in Paris and Switzerland where she had family.  She received a pension from the Spencer family of $200 but had no other contact with them in later years.

From 1938, suffering from Alzheimer's disease, she lived in Fontenay-aux-Roses, France and died there on 31st January 1940.

She was buried in the Cimetiere Communal at Clamart, Paris, France, the grave has now been removed.


  1. Elise confided to a family member that Mrs Spencer alone commanded an income of 10,000 Swiss francs per month.

References and Sources

Contract Ticket List, White Star Line 1912 (National Archives, New York; NRAN-21-SDNYCIVCAS-55[279])
List or Manifest of Alien Passengers for the United States Immigration Officer At Port Of Arrival (Date: 18th-19th June 1912, Ship: Carpathia) - National Archives, NWCTB 85 T715 Vol 4183
Jay Henry Mowbray (ed.) (1998) Sinking of the Titanic, Eyewitness Accounts. Dover Publications, Mineaola, N.Y. ISBN 0 486 40298 3
John Booth & Sean Coughlan (1993) Titanic Signals of Disaster. White Star Publicatons, Westbury, Wiltshire. ISBN 0 9518190 1 1
Hermann Söldner (ed.) (2000) RMS Titanic: Passenger and Crew List 10 April 1912-15 April 1912. ä wie Ärger Verlag.

Research Articles

Stuart Kelly Titanica! (2014) Titanic Legacy of a Paris Maid

Newspaper Articles

New York Times (2 April 1912) Will Of Lorillard Spencer
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  1. Claude Roulet

    Born in Hermonville (France) on 16th November 1852, decreased in Fontenay-aux-Roses France) on 31st January 1940 She was one of the 3 daughters of Louis Nicolas Lurette and Marianne Gervais. The three sisters were curiously named Euphrasie, Eulalie and Eugénie. The oldest one, Euphrasie married Jean Nanet in Trigny (France). The second one, Eulalie married my grand-grand father Félix Roulet in Fontaines (Switzerland). The youngest one, Eugénie didn't like her forename so she decided to be called Elise. She never married and worked for the Spencer family. The Spencer family was fabulously rich. Elise told to my grand father that in the turn of the century Mrs Spencer had a monthly revenue of 10 000 Swiss francs (corresponding today at approximately 150 000 US dollars). She didn't speak about Mr. Spencer's revenue… In the middle of the 19th century, the Spencer bought a huge land piece on a hill in Luzern (Switzerland) which was one of the wealthiest city at the time.... Read full post
  2. Jason D. Tiller

    Hello Claude, That's great information. Thanks for sharing it.
  3. Ben Holme

    Excellent information there, Claude. That's the first account I've ever seen from Miss Lurette. Cheers, Ben
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Titanic Passenger Summary

Name: Miss Eugénie Elise Lurette
Age: 59 years 4 months and 29 days (Female)
Nationality: French
Marital Status: Single
Embarked: Cherbourg on Wednesday 10th April 1912
Ticket No. 17569, £146 10s 5d
Cabin No. B80
Disembarked Carpathia: New York City on Thursday 18th April 1912
Died: Wednesday 31st January 1940 aged 87 years
Buried: Clamart Cimetiere Communal, Paris, France

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