Encyclopedia Titanica

Ellen O'Dwyer

Third Class Passenger

Weekly Irish Times, 4 May 1912
Credit: Gavin Bell

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Ellen O'Dwyer

Miss Ellen "Nellie" O'Dwyer was born in Limerick City, Co Limerick, Ireland on 19 June 1889.

She was one of eleven children born into a Roman Catholic family and her parents were Michael O'Dwyer (b. circa 1860)1, a porter and later a China packer, and Johanna Sullivan (b. 1863), Limerick natives who were married in St Michael's Church, Limerick on 14 January 1881.
One of six surviving children from a near dozen, Nellie's known siblings were: John (b. 10 July 1886), Michael (b. 26 July 1887), James (b. 1890), Christopher (b. 1897) and Johanna (b. 8 February 1900).

Nellie first appears on the 1901 census living with her family at 19 Pump Lane in Glentworth, Limerick. Her mother possibly died around 1910, although this is not certain, and the remaining family were shown on the 1911 census living at 33 High Street, Limerick but Nellie was not present with them; having emigrated to Brooklyn, New York around 1906, by early 1912 she had returned to see her family in Ireland.

For Nellie's return to New York she boarded the Titanic at Queenstown as a third class passenger (ticket number 330959 which cost £7, 12s, 7d). She had been asked to accompany another Limerick passenger for his first trip across the Atlantic, 16-year-old Patrick Lane.

At the time of the collision Nellie was in bed and almost asleep when she was startled by a jarring sensation. Then, noticing the engines stop, she and her cabin mates (whose identities are not known) went out to investigate and some male acquaintances told that the ship had struck an iceberg but was in no danger, admonishing them for their alarm and telling them to go back to bed, which they did. However, the continued commotion outside their cabin drew them out into the communal areas again as by now they were certain that something was amiss so they made their way to the open decks and somehow managed to find their way to the boat deck, possibly with the assistance of stewards. She and her friends said the Rosary and she also witnessed her young charge Patrick Lane drop to his knees in prayer on the deck before circulating around the other passengers asking for a priest. He crossed to the other side of the boat deck and she never saw him again.

Which lifeboat Nellie escaped in is not certain; it is believed she left in lifeboat 10, describing it as the only boat left in the area she was in and also described a lady who, attempting to jump into the boat, missed and almost fell into the water, only to be grabbed by her ankle. From her vantage point in the lifeboat Nellie watched the ship slip away and also reported hearing explosions, as well as the hymn Nearer My God to Thee.

Upon landing in New York aboard Carpathia, Ellis Island records describe her as a domestic maid aged 25, and her closest relative as her father Michael at 33 High Street, Limerick. She was travelling to her brother John at 138 East 3rd Street, Brooklyn

Following the disaster Nellie eventually made it to her home in New York. She was later married to a fellow Irish native, Dennis Ryan (b. 1888), a motorman who had emigrated in 1910. They settled in Brooklyn and had twin sons: Thomas Francis and Michael Joseph (b. 18 December 1915). Nellie was carrying a third child when she died prematurely on 3 May 1917 from complications relating to pre-eclampsia and kidney problems. She was buried four days later in Holy Cross Cemetery.

Her widower Dennis was remarried shortly after to an Irish-American woman named Agnes Thompson (b. 1893) and had two daughters: Kathleen (b. 1923) and Agnes (b. 1926). Nellie's two sons reportedly grew up believing Agnes to be their mother and were unaware of the truth until years later. Michael died in 1988 and Thomas in 1998.

Her husband Dennis died on 29 Feb 1936 and was buried in St Raymond's Cemetery, Bronx, New York in a family plot. 


  1. On the 1901 census he gave his age as 40; by the time of the 1911 census he claimed to be 57.

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The tragic stories of Titanic survivors who died prematurely...


Cork Examiner (1912) Nellie O'Dwyer
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Ellen O'Dwyer (Ryan) grave

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  1. Marion O'Dwyer

    Marion O'Dwyer

    If anyone has any details on the life of Miss Nellie O'Dwyer (daughter of Michael O'Dwyer) in Limerick and subsequently in New York. She was rescued apparently in Lifeboat 10. I believe she married but died in the flu epidemic in 1917. Does anyone know whether or not she had any children? My email is
  2. Teresa Erskine

    Having just watched a very interesting programme regarding Titanic: The New Evidence. I googled titanic to research further. My Dad's Auntie was Nellie O'Dwyer who was on board as a 3Rd class passenger and survived the sinking. As a family we have researched our family tree and have found some interesting information about her. Hopefully with ET we will be able to find out more.
  3. debbie !961

    Hello Maria , Ellen died in child birth with her 3rd child. My Grandmother and Ellen were cousins.
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Titanic Passenger Summary

Name: Miss Ellen O'Dwyer
Age: 22 years 9 months and 26 days (Female)
Nationality: Irish
Marital Status: Single
Embarked: Queenstown on Thursday 11th April 1912
Ticket No. 330959, £7 17s 7d
Destination: 138 East 3rd St. Brooklyn, New York, United States
Rescued (boat 10)  
Disembarked Carpathia: New York City on Thursday 18th April 1912
Died: Thursday 3rd May 1917 aged 27 years
Buried: Holy Cross Cemetery, New York City, New York, United States on Monday 7th May 1917

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