Encyclopedia Titanica

F. Kasper

F. Kasper1,2, 40, was born in Bremerhaven, Germany. He signed-on on 6 April. His previous engagement was on the Oceanic. His monthly wages were £6. He gave his address as 6 Brunswick Square, Southampton. He boarded the Titanic at Southampton on 10 April 1912.

Kasper survived the sinking (in which lifeboat is uncertain).

He was rescued by the Carpathia. Back in England, he received £1 4s outstanding wages.  He was not called to testify at either inquiry but received an allowance for travelling and subsistence of £7 16s 6d from the Board of Trade, owing to his having been detained, along with other crew, on arrival at Plymouth aboard the Lapland.


  1. He may be the Friedrich Kasper born in Germany 31 May 1868, died in New York 5 April 1942, at the time described as an assistant janitor.  Stringer (2003) lists him as "Franz Wilhelm Kasper".  He is listed in the British Inquiry expenses list as "F.T. Kasper".
  2. In 1901, a Frederick Kasper, aged 32 and a native of Germany, lived in Liverpool, England, and was a marine fireman in the merchant service.

Research Articles

Titanica! (2018) Titanic: The Disappeared
Which Titanic survivors have never been found?

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Titanic Crew Summary

Name: Mr F. Kasper
Age: 40 years (Male)
Nationality: German
Occupation: Fireman
Embarked: Southampton
Disembarked Carpathia: New York City on Thursday 18th April 1912

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