Encyclopedia Titanica

Marguerite Rut Sandström

Marguerite Sandstrom

Miss Marguerite Rut Sandström, 4, was born 23 March 1908, the daughter of Hjalmar Sandström (died 1925) and Agnes Sandström and sister of Beatrice. They boarded the Titanic at Southampton as third class passengers.

She later lived Bankeryd, Småland, Sweden and married Otto Petterson. She died 15 August 1963.

References and Sources

Claes-Göran Wetterholm (1988, 1996, 1999) Titanic. Prisma, Stockholm. ISBN 91 518 3644 0

Newspaper Articles

Chicago Daily News (24 April 1912) Titanic Rescued Here
Five Left of Party of Ten from Sweden Arrive on Way to Pacific Coast


An interview with the Swedish Titanic survivors Agnes, Marguerite and Beatrice Sandström
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  1. Glenna Oleson

    Glenna Oleson

    Very informative, I've been looking for a passenger list. Was thrilled to see yours, first, second and third class, plus a crew list. I would like to research more, especially finding three passengers with my maiden name. I know my grandparents came through England from Sweden via ship also. I'd like to get more info about these three. Their names are Mrs. Hjaalmar Sandstrom (Agnes Charlotta Bengtsson), Miss Beatrice Irene Sandstrom, and Mis Marguerite Rut Sandstrom. All three survived. Incredible. Thanks again. Glenna Oleson Brodhead, Wisconsin
  2. Ashley Zucker

    Ashley Zucker

    It halps with this asiment that we have to do for my 7th grade classes! My teacher told me about it and it helps soo much! Do you have anymore info on Agnes Sandstrom a 3rd class member of the Titanic? is so please send it to me! Thanks!
  3. Sandra Callaway

    Sandra Callaway

    This is my first visit it this site. I didn't expect a biographpy on everyone. I am a descendent of Mrs. Hjalmar Sandstrom and her two daughters who were 3rd class passengers and survived by boarding lifeboat 13. My grandfather was a brother to her husband. I had heard stories as a child about the Titanic and my relatives but didn't pay much attention until the movie came out and I found out the stories I heard were true by researching on the internet. If any of my Swedish relatives out there reads this, I would love to hear from them. Sandra Callaway grandaughter of Anton George Sandstrom, brother of Hjalmar Sandstrom.
  4. Sandra Callaway

    Sandra Callaway

    I just typed a message and made a mistake. I am a grandaughter To Anton George Sandstrom, who is a brother to Hjalmar Sandstrom. Please correct my mistake. Thanks, Sandra Callaway.
  5. Andrew Maheux

    Hi, Does anyone know more about this family? They seem interesting. Do any pictures exist of them around Titanic time? Thank You. Andrew Maheux
  6. Andrew Maheux

    Sorry, double post A.M.
  7. Jan C. Nielsen

    I have a picture of their house in San Francisco. Some guy reported on this board that he had a copy of an interview with Mrs. Sandstrom. I inquired about it, but never heard any more.
  8. Shelley Dziedzic

    Beatrice in New York with Claes Wetterholm who knows all there is about the Scandinavian passengers.
  9. Andrew Maheux

    Thats a nice picture Shelley, Thank you for sharring it with us. A.M.
  10. Arne Mjåland

    I have the obituary about Beatrice Sandstrom from a Swedish newspaper. Andrew and Jan and others contact me on e mail if you want more about Mrs Sandstrom. According to the obituary, the whole family Sandstrom moved back to Sweden in 1912. She lived in Motala at the time of her death.
  11. Shelley Dziedzic

    Here is Miss Bea where she belongs! New York 1991
  12. Sandy Callaway

    Sandy Callaway

    I'm new at this--please be patient with me. I am a descendant of the Sandstroms and I was surprised to see so many people interested in them. Beatrice and Marguerite Sandstrom were my mother's first cousins. Their father (Hjalmar Sandstrom was a brother to my grandfather, George Anton Sandstrom (who was born in Sweden as Anton George Sandstrom.) I grew up hearing stories of my Swedish relatives and the Titanic but was to young to appreciate the history. My mother was born after the Titanic sank and never knew her cousins. Would love to connect by e-mail with any living Swedish relatives out there.
  13. Mike Herbold

    Sandy: If you read Swedish, you will have to find a copy of Claes-Goran Wetterholm's book, "Titanic". He is the gentleman pictured above with Beatrice, and he used to travel often with her to various Titanic exhibits. There were a few Sandstroms living in San Francisco around 1910-1912, but I'm not sure if they were also related to your uncle Hjalmar. I'm in San Francisco this week, and will contact you when I get home this weekend.
  14. Sandy Callaway

    Sandy Callaway

    Thank you, Mike, for the information. I don't speak or read Swedish. Grandma certainly spoke enough of it when I was a child. I'd appreciate any information you can give me.
  15. Mike Herbold

    Sandy: Please contact me direct, and I will send what I have.

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Titanic Passenger Summary

Name: Miss Marguerite Rut Sandström
Age: 4 years and 23 days (Female)
Nationality: Swedish American
Last Residence: in Motala, Sweden
Embarked: Southampton on Wednesday 10th April 1912
Ticket No. 9549, £16 14s
Cabin No. G6
Rescued (boat 13)  
Disembarked Carpathia: New York City on Thursday 18th April 1912
Died: Thursday 15th August 1963 aged 55 years

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