Encyclopedia Titanica

Alexis Bochatay

Assistant Chef

Mr Joseph Alexis Bochatay,1 30, assistant chef, was born on 27 November 1881 2 at Les Granges, Salvan, Kanton Wallis, Switzerland. He was the only son of Alexis Bochatay, a farmer and joiner (1856-1932), and Mari-Louise Coquoz (1859-1924). He had a younger sister Gasparine (1884-1975).

Alexis did not want to follow his father's trade, but his mother strongly opposed his training to become a chef.  Nevertheless, from 1899 he served an apprenticeship as a cook at the new Hotel Gay-Balmaz at Les Granges, and later left home for England, where he served at various Hotels, ultimately as a chef.

Before joining the Titanic he had sailed on the Olympic. Bochatay worked in the first-class galley. He signed-on on 4 April 1912 and his wages were £10 per month. He gave his address as 28 Oakbank Road, Woolston, Southampton. He began work on the Titanic on 6 April 1912.

Alexis Bochatay died in the sinking. His body, if recovered, was never identified.

His parents received compensation of £120 and £2 of outstanding wages from White Star. From the Titanic Relief Fund they were given £85. His mother Marie died in 1926, his father Alexis died in 1932.

He has a memorial in Salvan, Switzerland.3

Bochetay Memorial
Memorial for Alexis Bochatay
(Le Nouvelliste, 2 September 1998)


  1. His birth record lists him as "Joseph Alexis", most records simply refer to him as Alexis Bochatay.
  2. His memorial stone gives his birth month as September.
  3. The memorial was reportedly later found to be damaged, missing part of a carved rose, either vandalised or possibly damaged when the stone was moved from its original location in the old Cemetery to the side of the church.

References and Sources

Birth Certificate
La tribune de Genève
, 1 May 1912
Journal et feuille d’avis du Valais
, 28 December 1912
Le Nouvelliste, 2 September 1998, 3 January 1975, 14 April 2012
La liberté, 7 April 2012


Günter Bäbler (1998) Reise auf der Titanic: Das Schicksal der Schweizer, Chronos, Zurich

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Titanic Crew Summary

Name: Mr Alexis Bochatay
Age: 30 years 4 months and 18 days (Male)
Nationality: Swiss
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Chef
Embarked: Southampton
Died in the Titanic disaster (15th April 1912)
Body Not Identified

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