Encyclopedia Titanica

August Johnson

Mr August Johnson1, 49, was born in New York around 1863.

In 1912 he was living in Southampton with his wife Elizabeth and seven surviving children2.  His occupation in 1901 was given as Master at Arms.  In 1912 he was working for the American Line as a seaman.  He boarded the Titanic as as a third-class passenger (ticket number 370160), he boarded at Southampton.

The other American Line employees were William Cahoone Johnson Jr., Lionel Leonard, William Henry Tornquist, Alfred Carver and Thomas Storey.

Johnson died in the sinking. His body if recovered was never identified.

He is remembered on a brass plaque in Holy Trinity Church, Millbrook, Southampton.


1. Sometimes listed as Alfred Johnson 2.  Muriel V (born 1897), August Charles Hubert (born 1899), Victoria Evelyn Louise (born 1901), Lillian Lavinia Winifred (born 1902), Edith Gladys (born 1906), Mona Rita Beatrice (born 1909), Florence May (born 1910).  Ten children were born in total.

Newspaper Articles

Hampshire Independent (11 May 1912) August Johnson Death Notice
Death notice for Titanic victim August Johnson.
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  1. Deleted member 173198

    Deleted member 173198

    Nobody knows why he's always listed as Arthur Johnson? The whole of the family were originally booked under the Passenger number P330, but after a lengthy investigation, the Mansion House Committee decided to allocate the family under the Crew number C698. I am looking to make contact with the Amercian connection. His name and family are found on the British census and he is an American citizen. The link with New Zealand is to do with his wife Elizabeth. If the present day family on that side of the pond, including New Zealand, are searching for more details then please contact me privately as I can provide you with a story of an unprecedented tragedy. Andrew Williams United Kingdom
  2. Luke Absalom

    If Titanic had not sunk, August Johnson would have safely reached America, and later carried out his plan to relocate his family there too, which way included my Grandma Rita. If that had happened she would never have met my Grandfather and 13 members of my family including myself would have never come into existence.
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Titanic Passenger Summary

Name: Mr August Johnson
Age: 49 years (Male)
Nationality: American
Last Residence: in Millwood, England
Occupation: Seaman
Embarked: Southampton on Wednesday 10th April 1912
Ticket No. 370160, £7 5s
Died in the Titanic disaster (15th April 1912)
Body Not Identified

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