Encyclopedia Titanica

David Beux

Mr David Beux was born in San Germano Chisone, Turin, Italy on 22 June 1886.

He was the son of Paolo Beux and Gioanna Catterina Long. Little is known about his family life but he is known to have had an elder brother, Emile (b. 1879).

Emile Beux had come to Britain prior to 1901 and began working in London as a domestic cook before securing employment as a valet; he was married to a Swiss woman, Rose Frey (b. 1882) and together they had a daughter, Helene Marguerite (b. 1904).

David would join his brother in London and by 1911 was living he and his family, shown on the 1911 census at 5 Beauchamp Place, London SW and being described as an unmarried commissionaire.

When he began working for the Italian restaurateur Luigi Gatti is not known but he signed on for the Titanic, his first ship, as an assistant waiter on 6 April 1912 and joined the ship on 10 April, the day of departure.

During the sinking there were reports that the largely continental staff of the restaurant, mainly French, Italian, Swiss, German and Belgian, were herded to their quarters by stewards and kept there. Indeed, only three from the staff survived, two of whom were the female cashiers.

David Beux was lost in the sinking and his body, if recovered, was never identified.

His brother Emile continued to live in London and would cross the ocean many times in his employment; he died in 1924 and his wife and daughter relocated to the USA around the same time. Rose Beux died in Nassau, New York in 1969.

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Gavin Bell

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  1. Emmanuel Beux

    Emmanuel Beux

    Hello, I am frensh. I live in Paris. I am sorry for my not perfect english, so i will try to right English. My name is Emmanuel Beux. I am 32. I discovered that a waiter assistant dided in the sinking. He was 26, italian native, and lived 6 beauchamp place - London. No more. I thank evryone can tel me more about David BEUX (it was his name).
  2. Shane Kurup

    Hello Emmanuel, I am guessing that David Beux is related to you in some way, hence the surname. Here's what to do. On this site there are biographies of every person who sailed on Titanic. If you go to the first page of this site, and type in the search box " David Beux" and then press search, his name will come up. Click on it and ot will have his info there. The biography doesn't really have much in it, but if you write to Brian Ticehurst at the British Titanic Society, he will probably have a lot of information about David. Another person you could ask is Geoff Whitfield. Post a message, under his name explaining what you want. Hope this helps! If you need anymore help, just ask! Shane Kurup
  3. Shane Kurup

    Sorry Emmanual!, didn't realize you already seen his biography! Try the last two options I gave you. Regards, Shane Kurup
  4. Franck Gavard-Perret

    Hi Everybody. I'm a 19 year-old French called Franck GAVARD PERRET, from the "Association Franí§aise du Titanic" (A.F.T). A member of ET wrote a few months ago something about David Beux. We wanted some informations about him. Was David Beux French ? In fact, I consulted several lists called the "French's of the Titanic", but there isn't any David Beux about them. That's why I'm amazed... Can anybody tell us some informations about this person, please ? Thanks for your time and your comprehension, Best regards, Franck
  5. Bob Godfrey

    Hallo again, Franck. David Beux is assumed to be Italian because that's what he claimed to be when he signed on for the voyage. The 'particulars of engagement' for the restaurant staff show his age as 26 and his nationality as 'Italy', alongside his signature. That doesn't necessarily mean he was born in Italy. But apart from his name, is there any evidence to suggest that he was born in France?
  6. Franck Gavard-Perret

    Hi Bob, Thanks for your help. In fact, I thought David Beux was French because : 1) Many people called "Beux" are in the French inventory called "Annu" (just like "Directory" in Great Britain) 2) The Italian first name is in fact "Davide", contrary to "David", which is the French spelling. Many thanks, Kind regards, Franck
  7. Bob Godfrey

    Thank you, Franck. It does seem very likely that he was of French (or possibly Swiss or Belgian) ancestry, and from the spelling of his first name that his parents at least were not Italian-born. David is also of course the English spelling, so another possibility is that he actually was Davide, but after moving to London he had anglicised the spelling, which was a common practice for immigrants to the US or Britain. There were of course many among the restaurant staff (especially in the kitchens) who were undoubtedly French - about 18, I think. Do you have plans to research all of them? There is certainly a need for more information about these men as individuals, and you and other members of the AFT are well-placed to provide it. .
  8. Franck Gavard-Perret

    Dear Bob, I thank once again for your answer. How many french's were in the restaurant staff ? Of course the AFT has ever worked about it (personally, I only made some researches about COUTIN) According to the sources from my own collection, 16 people were undoubtedly French in the A la Carte Restaurant. I'll try to have more informations thanks to the other AFT members. Please, also notice that 51 French's were on board. We don't know yet if J. De Grasse, who was on board from Southampton to Cherbourg, was French. Besides, do you know something about him ? Best regards, Franck
  9. Bob Godfrey

    Franck, I just checked Craig Stringer's database CD (Titanic People), which shows 2 assistant waiters (DeBreucq and Piatti), 1 plateman (Blumet), 1 clerk (Mauge) and 14 chefs/cooks. Total 18. I don't know much about James De Grasse, but he certainly wasn't French. He was an Englishman, born in London. His parents were James and Anne. From the name, the family must at some point have come from across the Channel, but maybe a long time back - like my own name, which originates from Normandy and came across in the 11th century with William the Conqueror. But we long ago forgot the words to La Marseillaise! :-) ,
  10. Franck Gavard-Perret

    Hi Bob, Thank you very much for your answer and the informations concerning De Grasse. I didn't know his nationality, as I did'nt know his first name. yes you're right, there are some Godfrey in France, especially in Haute-Normandie and basse-Normandie. Personally, my own home is far away from Normandie, as I live near Geneva, next to the Swiss border. Concerning the restaurant staff : 1) Piatti did'nt seem to be French. this is an Italian name and I don't see any Piatti among my "French's of the Titanic" own list. 2) Judging by my own collection and several issues called "Latitude 41", from the AFT, undoubtedly French people register in the A La Carte Restaurant were : - G. Bietrix - J-B. Blumet - A. Chaboisson - M. Cornaire - A. Coutin - M. Debreucq - L. Desvernine - L. Dornier - H. Jaillet - C. Janin - G. Jouannault - P. Maugé - J-B Pachéra - P. Rousseau - A. Vicat - P. Villvarlange TOTAL : 16 You told me Maurice Debreucq (I agree),... Read full post
  11. Franck Gavard-Perret

    Hi Bob, I tried to find via "Google.com" something dealing with Louis Piatti. Nothing really happened. I tried with another spelling : Luigi Piatti and I found some better lists and the very interesting following article, taken from Encyclopaedia-Titanica. best wishes, Franck ___________ Italians shipwrecked Friday 19 April 1912 Page 5 London, 17 April, night Italians aboard the Titanic numbered more than 50: two restaurant's directors L. Gatti, 36 years, and F. Scavino, two superintendents, Giuseppe Bochet, from savoy and Nannini: 17 waiters, 17 assistants some butlers, besides more than a dozen of waiters transferred from Olympic to Titanic at the last moment, and of those the names are unknown. Here are the names of the waiters and of the assistants belonging to Titanic's crew: Luigi Zarracchi, 26 years; F. Nannini 42; Montello; Pompeo Piazza 30; Roberto Urbino of 22; Ernesto valvassori 37; N. Bazzi 33; E. Ratti 23; C. Casali of 32;... Read full post
  12. Bob Godfrey

    Hallo, Franck. My list of 18 is your 16 plus two - Piatti, who gave his first name as Louis and his nationality as French when signing on (see link below), and Giovanni Monteverde (assistant entree cook) who, despite the very Italian name, is again shown in the PoE list as French. Could be a clerical error, of course. Lefebvre might have had a French father, but he signed on as British and gave his birthplace as London. I can't think of any others in the crew lists. It's surprising that there were no French chefs working in the kitchens. The 'Particulars of Engagement' for the restaurant staff can be seen here:
  13. Franck Gavard-Perret

    Hi Bob, The list you sent to me is very great, thanks. I'm almost sure that Giovanni Monteverde was not French but Italian. I will ask Olivier Mendez about the nationalities of : - Luigi I'm in love with that fantastic site, illustrated, without any errors as the author is a Titanic erudite man. Nevertheless, you need a password if you want to reach the page called "Les Franí§ais du Titanic". That's why you must be an AFT member. if it's not the case, you can join us... Are you a BTS member ? if it's the case, mail Alain Dufií¨f, the author. He's, of course, the only man allowed to give to somebody the password. Sorry, the website is not translated in English. Best regards, ... Read full post
  14. Bob Godfrey

    Franck, what is the source for your information on Lefebre? Do you have any more details - parents' names, exact date of birth? Yes, the French website is very comprehensive and I have found it useful - my French is not great, but good enough to be able to read it. I wouldn't agree 100% with everything there, but none of us gets everything right
  15. Brian J. Ticehurst

    Franck and Bob - Yes I have been keeping an eye on the names. Actually in the Relief Fund book it lists just 12 French Crew and 6 French passengers who made claims and were awarded varying sums so I cannot give you a definitive list of the French on board. Of course others would have made claims and not been awarded anything depending on circumstances. Cheers Brian

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Titanic Crew Summary

Name: Mr David Beux
Age: 25 years 9 months and 23 days (Male)
Nationality: Italian
Occupation: Assistant Waiter
Last Ship: First Ship
Embarked: Southampton on Saturday 6th April 1912
Died in the Titanic disaster (15th April 1912)
Body Not Identified

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