Encyclopedia Titanica

Frances Marie Lefebvre

Marie Lefebvre (née Daumont) was born on 18 March 1872 in Escaudain, Valenciennes, France, the daughter of Anselme Daumont and  Catherine David.  She was married to Franck Marie Joseph Lefebvre on 25 January 1896. Prior to marriage, the couple had three children Marie, Franck and Celina.  Following their marriage, a further five children were born.  Mathilde, Anselme, Jeanne, Henri and Ida.

In 1910 Franck relocated to Mystic, Iowa and was joined by four of the children.  Frances would follow in April 1912 with the four other children and would travel on the Titanic.

Newspapers at the time speculated that in the meantime he had been cohabiting with another married woman, Mary Dupont.

Frances and all the children died in the disaster. 

Franck was later deported back to France.  See The Lefebvre family by Olivier Mendez.

Research Articles

Olivier Mendez Titanica! (2004) The Lefebvre family
A tribute to a French family who were all lost in the Titanic.


Marie Lefebvre was a 3rd class French passenger
Memorial erected by the Association Francaise du Titanic
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Titanic Passenger Summary

Name: Mrs Frances Marie Lefebvre (née Daumont)
Age: 40 years and 28 days (Female)
Nationality: French
Marital Status: Married to Frank Lefebvre
Embarked: Southampton on Wednesday 10th April 1912
Ticket No. 4133, £25 9s 4d
Died in the Titanic disaster (15th April 1912)
Body Not Identified

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