Encyclopedia Titanica

Jane Carr

Jennie Carr

Miss Jane "Jennie" Carr was born in Castlerock, Aclare, Tobbercurry, Co Sligo, Ireland on 11 February 1867. 

She was the daughter of Thomas Carr (b. circa 1820), a farmer, and Bridget Goldrick (b. circa 1826).

Her known siblings were: Catherine (b. 1855), James (b. 1858), Michael (b. 1859), Mary Marie (b. 1861), Bridget (b.1864), and Thomas (b. 1872).

Miss Carr, known as Jennie, migrated to America in 1889, arriving in New York aboard the City of Berlin on 4 May 1889.

Residing in Springfield, Massachusetts she worked as a domestic and cook. She later worked in Hartford, Connecticut and then at the home of Dr. Sidney A. Burnap of Windsor Locks, Connecticut as housekeeper and cook. Her last place of employment was as a cook at the Chicopee Falls Hotel and she had numerous nieces and nephews living nearby. Back in Ireland her father had died aged 73 on 29 August 1893 and her mother passed away the following year.

Having done well for herself, Jane returned to Ireland for an extended visit around 1909 and stayed with her sister Catherine (Mrs Thady Mullarkey) at her home in Co Sligo; whilst visiting she managed to appear on the 1911 census, recorded at the Mullarkey household, 14 Castlerock, and also present was her unmarried sister Mary. Perhaps intending to stay longer, Jane received word that the bank where her life savings were held, Windsor Locks Bank, had folded and she made hasty plans to return to the USA and settle her affairs.

Jane boarded the Titanic at Queenstown as a third class passenger (ticket number 368364, £7 15s).

Jane Carr lost her life in the disaster and her body, if recovered, was never identified. Her estate, valued at £113, was administered to a relative Michael Carr on 9 August 1912. 

References and Sources

Robert L. Bracken (2000) Irish Titanic Passengers
Contract Ticket List, White Star Line 1912 (National Archives, New York; NRAN-21-SDNYCIVCAS-55[279])
Names and Descriptions of British Passengers Embarked at the Port of Queenstown, 11 April 1912 (PRO London, BT 27/776/2).
Noel Ray (1999) List of Passengers who Boarded RMS Titanic at Queenstown, April 11, 1912. The Irish Titanic Historical Society.
Springfield Union 1912

Newspaper Articles


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Gavin Bell, UK
Robert L. Bracken, USA
Philip Devlin, USA
Michael A. Findlay, USA
Noel Ray, Ireland

Comment and discuss

  1. bridget carr

    does anyone know of this woman?as i am carr and was told i had a distant relation on the titanic. i am from drumartin aclare! please hepl if you can please
  2. Forttvictoria

    hi im victoria carr, i was related to her and ive seen her ghost in my house it aint funny, but thankyou for writing this documentry because its good to find out about your ancestors xxxxxxxx
  3. Fergie887

    My name is Bobbie I just saw the titanic exhibit. I looked Miss Carr up on the internet to see what she looked like but they had no picture. Are there any pictures of her?
  4. Laurenr24

    I went to the teles world of science that was my passnger and she was not 45 she was 47 years old
  5. Brooke Owens

    you guys should really put pic of the people
  6. Forttvictoria

    hi bridget , guess what i am a relation from the carr family it comes from my grandads side who is called david if you have herd of him ? but if you have got any other information please email me by
  7. Laurenr24

    well you are not sisters and she is 47 and she loved chidsh and she did not get on a life boat because she wanted more kids to surive any not ondertadin please e-mail me at
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Titanic Passenger Summary

Name: Miss Jane Carr
Age: 45 years 2 months and 4 days (Female)
Nationality: Irish
Marital Status: Single
Embarked: Queenstown on Thursday 11th April 1912
Ticket No. 368364, £7 15s
Died in the Titanic disaster (15th April 1912)
Body Not Identified

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