Encyclopedia Titanica

Julius Vanderplancke

Julius Vanderplancke
Julius Vanderplancke

Mr Jules Vanderplancke was born Julius Van der Plancke in Zwevezele, Belgium on 7 February, 1881.

About six years before 1912, he travelled to Detroit, Michigan to work as a labourer - each Spring going out into the sugar beet fields. In late 1911, having accumulated enough money, he returned home to Belgium. The Vanderplancke family had resided at Hille 87 in Zwevezele.

Jules was recently married to Emilia Vandemoortele. The newlyweds were heading to the United States where Jules had a job as a foreman for the Continental Sugar Company, of Fremont, Ohio. Accompanying them were Jules' sister, 18-year-old Augusta Maria, also a lace worker, and 15-year-old brother, Leo.

The family boarded the Titanic in Southampton as third-class passengers. Jules and Emilia held ticket number 345763, £18. A friend of the family, Victor Vandercruyssen, was also aboard.

They all lost their lives in the sinking. None of their bodies, if recovered, were identified.

References and Sources

Contract Ticket List, White Star Line 1912 (National Archives, New York; NRAN-21-SDNYCIVCAS-55[279])
Cleveland Plain Dealer (Ohio), 19 April 1912
Herman De Wulf and Michael A. Findlay (1998) The Belgians and the Titanic. Voyage. #27
Michael Findlay Revised Passenger List in Judith Geller Titanic: Women and Children First. Haynes. ISBN 1 85260 594 4
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Titanic Passenger Summary

Name: Mr Julius Vanderplancke
Age: 31 years 2 months and 8 days (Male)
Nationality: Belgian
Marital Status: Married to Emilia Vandemoortele
Last Residence: in Zwevezele, Belgium
Occupation: Farmer
Embarked: Southampton on Wednesday 10th April 1912
Ticket No. 345763, £18
Died in the Titanic disaster (15th April 1912)
Body Not Identified

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