Encyclopedia Titanica

Philip Wiseman

Third Class Passenger

Philip Wiseman
Philip Wiseman

Third class passenger Philip Wiseman was born Elzear (or Elziar) Philippe Wiseman in Quebec on 18 November 1858.1  He was the son of George Philippe Wiseman and his wife Mathilde (Emilie Mathilde Rodrigues), who had married in 1853.   Philippe's mother Emilie died on 1 June 1867 and in 1869 his father. George remarried to Adele Magnan.  Philip had four siblings and two half-siblings.

Philip was married on 19 February 1882 in Quebec to Emélie (or Émilia) Dupuis.  They had around nine children.  Emélie died in 1895 and the following year 1896 he remarried to Marie McNeil (née Noreau, born in Quebec in 1864).  Maire had previously been married (19 Jul 1884) to Joseph McNeil and had four children with him, and with Philippe would have five more.

According to the Montreal Star, 2 May 1912, he has previously worked as a quartermaster on the American Lines' S.S. New York.  The ship with which the Titanic almost collided as she left Southampton.  He later ran a bookstore in Quebec.

In the 1911 census, he was listed as a commercial traveller (stationery), living in Quebec City, Canada.  

Wiseman boarded the Titanic at Southampton as a third-class passenger (ticket number A/4. 34244, £7 5s). He was travelling home to Quebec.

Wiseman died in the sinking. His body, if recovered, was never identified.

'A traveling agent for a manufacturing firm, fifty-four years of age, was drowned. His wife had been dead for many years. He is survived by four children in ages from twenty-four to twenty years..... (1,000 dollars) - Red Cross files

Evidently, the Red Cross file was referring to his first wife as being deceased.  The circumstances of their marriage in 1912 are unclear.  In the 1911 census, Marie appears to be living apart from Philippe, with her two eldest McNeil children and her three surviving male Wiseman children. 

In 1913 she sued the White Star Line for $50,000 compensation on behalf of herself and six dependent children.


  1. Variously listed as Elezar Philippe, Louis Philippe etc., Wiseman, Wissmann etc.

References and Sources

My Great-Uncle Philip Wiseman (Earl Tolbert)

Newspaper Articles

Boston Globe (10 July 1913) Titanic Suit Is Filed In Boston
Mrs Wiseman, Quebec, Seeks $50,000

Documents and Certificates

1911 Census (Canada)
(1912) Register of Births, Marriages and Deaths of Passengers and Seamen at Sea, National Archives, London; BT334/52 & 334/53


Names and Descriptions of British Passengers Embarked at the Port of Southampton, 10 April 1912, National Archives, London; BT 27/780B)
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    Anyone having information re: Phillipe Wiseman, 3rd class passenger, departing from Southampton, England, please contact me. WISEMAN Aurora, CO, USA
  2. Joey Tolbert

    I just went thru the list of passengers and did not see the name of my great uncle, Phillip Wiseman. I know he was on the ship. His name is in the book, The Titanic, I seen it there. He was my grandmothers fathers brother. one of his brothers is buried next to one of my brothers. anyone know of any other sites. I just heard on the local news that the last survivor died today. she was 8 years old when it happened.my email is paigedad at hotmail dot com thanks, joey tolbert
  3. Pat Cook

    Hi Joey, Your great uncle is indeed on this site. Go to: Hope this is of some help. Best regards, Cook
  4. Michael Canton

    Michael Canton

    On the original Passenger List for the Titanic held in the BT27 passenger list collection at The National Archives in Kew, England the first name is Philip.
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Titanic Passenger Summary

Name: Mr Philip Wiseman
Age: 53 years 4 months and 27 days (Male)
Nationality: Canadian
Religion: Roman Catholic
Marital Status: Married to Marie McNeil (née Mareau)
Last Residence: in London, England
Occupation: Merchant
Embarked: Southampton on Wednesday 10th April 1912
Ticket No. 34244, £7 5s
Died in the Titanic disaster (15th April 1912)
Body Not Identified

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