Encyclopedia Titanica

Uscher Pulner

Russian Titanic victim

Mr Uscher Pulner,1 aged 16, was born in born in (Odessa) Russia around 1895 the son of Louis and Celia (née Cirilikoff) Pulner.

He had at least two brothers, one, Rubin Pulner, was born 21 July 1891 in Odessa. Robin came to the USA in 1909 where he worked as a machinist.   It is assumed that Uscher was travelling on the Titanic to join his brother in New York.

Uscher worked as a plumber and his last place of abode was given as Paris when he boarded the Titanic at Cherbourg as a third class passenger (ticket number 3411 which cost £8, 14s, 3d).

He may have been being chaperoned across the Atlantic by a family friend, Aaron Willer, a Paris-based tailor of Ukrainian origin who had made his home in the USA since 1907 but had been working in Paris since 1910; the two travelled on sequential tickets. 

Uscher Pulner died in the sinking and his body, if recovered, was never identified.

Red Cross file: No. 383. (Russian Jew) Machinist, 17 years of age, was lost, leaving a dependent widowed mother and a younger brother, 8 years old, in France. A son, 21 years old, resident here for three years, had sent the passage money, and was helping to support his mother and brother. Emergent help was given and the case referred to the English Committee. ($300)


  1. Listed as "Pullnent Usscher" on the Register of Deceased Passengers.

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Titanic Passenger Summary

Name: Mr Uscher Pulner
Born: circa.1896 in Odessa, Russia
Age: 16 years (Male)
Nationality: Russian
Marital Status: Single
Embarked: Cherbourg on Wednesday 10th April 1912
Ticket No. 3411, £8 14s 3d
Died in the Titanic disaster (15th April 1912)
Body Not Identified

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