Encyclopedia Titanica


New York Times

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W. A. Spencer Left Property Worth $2,218,650
William Augustus Spencer, who was drowned when the Titanic sank on April 15, 1912, left a net estate of $2,218,650, according to an appraisal filed yesterday. The beneficiaries are Mrs. Marie Eugenie Spencer, his widow, $1,273,071; Lorillard Spencer, his nephew, $396,683; the New York Public Library, $394,095; and Eleanora L. S. Cenci, Princess de Vicovaro, his sister, $50,000.

Mr. Spencer's estate was made up of these assets: Real estate, $893,622; bank accounts, $122,200; household goods, furniture, books, and pictures at his Throgs Neck Farm in the Bronx, $1,088; a half share in a ruby ring, $2,500; bonds and mortgages, $332,085; stocks and bonds, $932,016, and commissions due as the executor of other estates, $48,573. A claim for $2,670 against the owners of the Titanic for personal property which went down with the steamer was appraised at not more than $500.

Included in Mr. Spencer's bequest to the New York Public Library was a library composed chiefly of French books. These were appraised at $40,779. Some of the volumes were: "Une Femme de Qualité au Siècle Passé," by Maurice Leloir, $4,000; "Fêtes Galantes," by Paul Verlaine, $2,000; "La Dame de Monsereau," by Alexandre Dumas, $1,500; "La Vengeance des Peaux de Bique," by Gustave Toudouze, $1,400: "The Lady of Shalott," by Alfred Tennyson, $1,000; "La Reliure du XIXe Siècle,” by Henri Beraldi, $1,000; "La Tribu Indienne," by Lucien Bonaparte, $1,000; "Pastels Tirages Successifs," by P. Bourget, $1,000; "Histoire d'un Epingle," by Segur, $800; "Jacques le Fataliste et son Maitre," by D. Diderot, $750; "La Mouche," by Alfred de Musset, $720; "Daphnis and Chloe," by Longus, $720; "Les Contes Drolatiques," by Honoré de Balzac, $700; "Notre Dame de Paris," by Victor Hugo, $650; "The Three Musketeers," by Alexandre Dumas, $600; and "Zadig ou le Destinée," by Voltaire, $600.

Mr. Spencer owned this real estate: 183 Water Street, $20,000; 37 Allen Street, $20,500; 395 Grand Street, $30,000; 181-185½ Forsyth Street, $66,000; 100 West Seventy-seventh Street, $70,000; 2,046-2,050 Seventh Avenue, $72,000; Throgs Neck Farm, the Bronx, $445,500; Williamsbridge Farm, the Bronx, $240,000; interest in property on Pelham Parkway, the Bronx, $12,400. Mortgages and taxes reduced the net value of the realty to $893,622.

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2004) TITANIC VICTIM'S ESTATE (2) (New York Times, Friday 10th July 1914, ref: #3688, published 9 September 2004, generated 30th June 2024 02:46:47 AM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/titanic-victims-estate-3.html