3 items Stories and Articles Title Titanica! Senan Molony ICE: CLEAR AND ABSENT DANGER An argument hewn from ice! SS CalifornianIce BarrierIce FieldMystery ShipsNavigational AnalysisPack IceTitanic Wreck Position Titanica! Gavin Don TITANIC AND CALIFORNIAN Gavin Don asks if the SS Californian, under the command of Stanley Lord, was close enough to have assisted the sinking Titanic. SS CalifornianIce FieldInactionMystery ShipsTitanic Wreck Position Chicago Examiner — 18th April 1912 TITANIC'S CAPTAIN WARNED OF HUGE FIELD OF ICEBERGS Operator on La Bretagne Tells How Messages Were Sent in All Directions From Near Cape Race. Ice FieldIce FloesIce WarningsLa Bretagne