Titanic lifeboat 11. The sixth boat lowered on the starboard side. No. 11 was lowered to the A deck and several stewards were ordered into it to assist the passengers over the railing into the boat. Steward Wheelton reported having guided about 40 women to the A deck and into No. 11. Miss Edith Rosenbaum entered the boat, carrying with her a toy, a small pig playing music. Another passenger mistook this and would later claim, rather upset, that a woman in the boat had a pig with her. Mrs. Schabert got into the boat and discovered there was space for her brother, Philipp Mock, as well. Several second class passengers entered it; Mrs. Becker and her two youngest children among them. Ruth Becker, the oldest, however, was told the boat was full and swiftly went to the next boat, i. e. No. 13, into which she got without any problem. Mrs. West and her two daughters found seats in the boat and Mrs. West would later claim that the boat was lowered at dangerous angles and she noticed that a baby was thrown in at the last moment, without its mother (as reported by others in the boat as well).
When they reached the water, it was discovered that there was no lamp in it and a sailor lighted a piece of rope to use as a light/signal. The boat was heavily loaded. It was reported to have held from 58 to nearly 80 people. The first claim is probably rather close to the truth; there were probably about ten children in the boat, about 30 ladies (including possibly nine stewardesses), three men passengers and some 16 or 18 male crew; close to 60 people. It is believed that No. 11 was about the sixth or eighth boat to reach the Carpathia.
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