Encyclopedia Titanica

Titanic Archive

7 items

Western Morning News17th April 1912
Mr. and Mrs. William Turpin, we understand left Plymouth for Salt Lake City. They resided at 59 Chaddlewood-avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Turpin, sen., live in Beaumont-road, Plymouth. ...
Chicago Daily News17th April 1912
Willaim Haines, a publisher, father of Mrs. Marion Smith, who was reported rescued from the doomed vessel, was prostrated with grief when he heard the first news of the sinking of the vessel. The g...
Southport Visitor18th April 1912
As stated in Tuesdays Visitor among the crew of the ill fated liner was Mr. James Walpole, brother of Mr. Horace Walpole, of 17 Line-street, Southport and brother-in-law of the late Mr. W. E. Brown...
Cumberland News20th April 1912
Carlisle and Border men among the Crew...
Reading Standard27th April 1912
Elizabeth Daily Journal11th May 1912
Rahway, May 11---Mrs. Margaret O’Brien, of 90 Monroe street, returned last evening from a several days’ stay in Halifax, Nova Scotia, where she went to see if any trace could be found o...
Daily Mail17th May 1912
Mr. A. H. Barkworth, J.P., of Tranby House, Hessle, has returned to his home after his miraculous escape from death in the foundering of the Titanic....