3 items Stories and Articles Title Journal of Economic Perspectives Bruno S. Frey, David A. Savage, Benno Torgler BEHAVIOR UNDER EXTREME CONDITIONS: THE TITANIC DISASTER For social scientists, evidence about how people behaved as the Titanic sank offers a quasi-natural field experiment to explore behaviour under extreme conditions of life and death. Class InfluenceCrew AdvantageDisaster PsychologySocial NormsSurvival BehaviourWomen and Children First Names: A Journal of Onomastics J. Joseph Edgette LARGER THAN LIFE: TITANIC AND HER NAME HERITAGE J. Joseph Edgette explores the significance of names and naming practices related to the RMS Titanic and its passengers. Cultural ValuesNamesNicknamesSocial NormsTitanic Name Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization Bruno S. Freya, David A. Savage, Benno Torgler NOBLESSE OBLIGE? DETERMINANTS OF SURVIVAL IN A LIFE AND DEATH SITUATION Analyzing Titanic’s survival determinants, this study reveals how social norms and class influenced survival during the tragedy. AltruismClassDecision Under PressureReproductive AgeSocial NormsWomen and Children First