2 items Stories and Articles Title Journal of Economic Perspectives Bruno S. Frey, David A. Savage, Benno Torgler BEHAVIOR UNDER EXTREME CONDITIONS: THE TITANIC DISASTER For social scientists, evidence about how people behaved as the Titanic sank offers a quasi-natural field experiment to explore behaviour under extreme conditions of life and death. Class InfluenceCrew AdvantageDisaster PsychologySocial NormsSurvival BehaviourWomen and Children First Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization Bruno S. Freya, David A. Savage, Benno Torgler NOBLESSE OBLIGE? DETERMINANTS OF SURVIVAL IN A LIFE AND DEATH SITUATION Analyzing Titanic’s survival determinants, this study reveals how social norms and class influenced survival during the tragedy. AltruismClassDecision Under PressureReproductive AgeSocial NormsWomen and Children First