Among the passengers of the ill-fated Titanic were number honeymoon couples, whose names, according to the Chronicle, are as follow:
Colonel and Mrs. J. J. Astor, who were returning from their honeymoon tour in Egypt. Mrs Astor is reported to have been saved, whiie her husband is among the missing.
Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Marvin returning to America after a three months honeymoon tour in England. Mrs. Marvin was rescued, but her husband, the son the head a large cinematograph firm, is believed to have been drowned.
Mr. and Mrs. Beane, married at Norwich three days before the Titanic sailed. Both saved.
Mr Sedgwick, engineer, of St. Helens, Lancs, married a week before leaving England to take up an appointment in South America. His bride was to have followed later. Not in the list of survivors.
Mr and Mis. McNamee married a month ago. and neither in the last of survivors. Mr McNamee, one of the branch managers of Liptons. was on his way to take up a post in New York.
Mr and Mrs. Marshall, on a honeymoon trip to Caiifornia. Mr. Marshall was partner in a big boot business in Scotland.*
Mr. Alfred Davis, of West Bromwich, married two days before the boat left. He was accompanied by his two brothers and his brother-in-law.
The Rev T. R. D. Byles, Leeds, sailed in the Titanic for the purpose officiating at the wedding of his brother, which had been arranged to take place in New York on Sunday.
[Note: Henry Morley and Kate Phillips were not married to each other but were eloping to California.]
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