Encyclopedia Titanica


Trenton Evening Times

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Washington A. Roebling II, and Stephen W. Blackwell among Hundreds of Passengers who are taken Off in Lifeboats when Maiden Voyage Seemed Likely to End in Sinking of World’s Biggest Vessel

Returning to their homes in Trenton after a two months pleasure trip abroad, Washington A. Roebling II, and Stephen W. Blackwell were aboard the ocean liner Titanic, which encountered icebergs last night and is said to have been so badly damaged that her passengers had to be put to sea in lifeboats, being later taken on other vessels which responded to wireless calls for help. Frank Stanley, Mr. Roebling’s chauffeur, was also a passenger on the ship, the Trenton men having taken automobiles with them. While no word has been received direct from either Roebling or Blackwell, it is anticipated that they are safe, as no casualties have been reported. Messrs. Roebling and Blackwell toured Italy, France and other countries while abroad. Mr. Roebling is the son of Charles G. Roebling, president of the John A. Roebling’s Sons Co., and Mr. Blackwell is the son of former Senator Jonathan A. Blackwell. Immediately upon learning of the accident former Senator Blackwell left Trenton for New York, and has kept in frequent communication with his family from the offices of the steamship company. All word of the mishap is being kept from Mrs. Blackwell, as she has been ill, and it is feared the shock might prove serious to her. She has not expected her son to arrive home until next Wednesday, but has been anxious about his safety.


HALIFAX, N.S., April 15 – Held afloat only by her watertight compartments, the great White Star liner Titanic is slowly crawling toward this harbor. Her passengers have been taken off to other vessels, only to have to face a second ordeal as they are to be again transferred to the Baltic of the White Star line this afternoon. The Baltic will take them to their journey’s end in New York where they are due next Thursday. The disaster to the Titanic was unparalleled in the history of navigation. The largest, most luxurious and best appointed vessel ever laid down, she seemed proof against any disaster and it is to the very fact that she was a new steamer that the passengers on board, noted financiers and society leaders owe their lives. Hardly another craft afloat could have withstood the terrific shock when the Titanic driving along at better than half speed, although in the midst of ice fields, crashed bow into a great, submerged mountain of ice which tore away her steel plates. Automatic bulk heads prevented the sinking of the liner and a well trained crew began the work of rescue, transferring passengers to life boats which were afterward picked up by other vessels.


NEW YORK, April 15 – Wireless dispatches from Captain H. J. Haddock of the White Star liner Olympic says that twenty lifeboat loads of passengers have been taken from the sinking Titanic by the Parisian of the Allen line and the Cunard liner Carpathia . The Parisian and Carpathia are standing by the Titanic and the Baltic was reported as approaching by the Olympic’s captain This information came direct to the local offices of the White Star line and Vice President Franklin in making it public declared that he personally had no doubt that the Titanic would be safely towed to port. He said that she has plenty of water- tight compartments and that, while she may sink several feet because of the weight because of the water in the forward compartments and the necessity of trimming ship she will not go down. The boats of the Titanic are very large and they took care of 35 passengers each trip. In accordance with the custom of the sea, women and children were transferred first. About 800 had been taken off when the Olympic’s captain sent his wireless according to Franklin’s estimates. A second dispatch stated that the Virginian had passed a line to the Titanic and will tow her to Halifax. In addition to the Virginian there were in the vicinity of the Titanic and racing toward her today, the White Star liner Olympic and Baltic, the Hamburg-American liner [Cinncinnati], the Cunarder Mauretania, the Prinz Adelbert, Amerika, Friederich Wilhelm and a half dozen freighters.

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2003) TRENTON MEN ABOARD GIANT TITANIC WHICH MEETS DISASTER IN ICE (Trenton Evening Times, Tuesday 16th April 1912, ref: #1798, published 21 November 2003, generated 1st February 2025 08:42:38 AM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/trenton-men-aboard-giant-titanic-which-meets-disaster-ice.html