Encyclopedia Titanica


Raleigh Herald

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The Man Who Will Look After Your Business Affairs in Washington – A Man of Vision, Ability, and Broad Experience. A Friend of the Masses Next Senator Should Come From Southern Part of State.

If you want a man of vision, ability and broad experience to represent you in the United States senate, then vote in the primary election for James A. Hughes.

If you believe in fairness and justice and think that the southern part of the state is entitled to the United States senatorship, then you should vote for James A. Hughes, of Huntington.

If you think that a Republican senator has of necessity to come from the cities of Wheeling, Clarksburg or Elkins, then you should vote against Jas. A. Hughes, of Cabell county.

If you want to vote for a man who neither owns a railroad nor a bank then you should vote for James A. Hughes, of Huntington. He is the friend of the “plain people” and has always stood by them. He knows their needs and will be in a position to help them.

If you want a man who is pledged to take care of soldiers and their families then you should support James A. Hughes for the United States senate. The brave, loyal West Virginians who are shedding their life blood on the battle fields of France in order to make the world a safe place to live in, will always find a friend in the Cabell county candidate. He secured more pensions for old soldiers while he was in congress than any other man in the lower house in same period.

If you want to vote for a man who is pledged to support a war program which will have for its object the complete annihilation of the German beast, then vote for James A. Hughes. Mr. Hughes has never had any military training, but he feels that with his broad experience acquired in the 14 years that he served in congress, that he could serve his people better in the United States senate than he could in the army.

If you want to vote for a man who is not dominated by a machine, but who is making his appeal to the masses, the “plain people”, then vote in the primary for James A. Hughes, of Huntington. The primary law, the best ever placed in the statue books of West Virginia, gives every citizen the right to go to the polls and express his choice for men aspiring high office. He is not controlled by committees who have heretofore nominated and elected their own special candidates.

If you want to vote for a man who will always look after your business affairs in Washington, then vote for Jas. A. Hughes, of Huntington. There is not a man in the old Fifth district which was represented in congress for 14 years by Mr. Hughes, but what will tell you that his interests were always carefully guarded by the Cabell County Candidate, who took special delight in doing small favors for his constituents. – Adv.

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2014) VOTE FOR J.A. HUGHES. (Raleigh Herald, , ref: #19674, published 14 January 2014, generated 2nd July 2024 01:28:41 AM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/vote-for-ja-hughes.html