Encyclopedia Titanica

Walter Miller Clark

First Class Passenger

Walter Miller Clark
Walter Miller Clark

Mr Walter Miller Clark was born in Jefferson, Montana on 13 May 1884.

He was the son of James Ross Clark (1850-1927) and Augusta Miriam Evans (1858-1951). His father was born in Pennsylvania and worked in the US mail service and as a bookkeeper in Montana before becoming vice president of the Los Alamitos Sugar Company, railroad official and president of the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce. He was married to his Ohio-born wife Miriam on 16 April 1878 in Deer Lodge, Montana and had two surviving children: Ella Harriet (b. 1881, later Mrs Henry Carlton Lee) and Walter. 

Walter's uncle was Montana copper magnate William Andrews Clark (1839-1925), a Democratic senator whose son Charles was not only a cousin to Walter but a close personal friend; the two spent much time together in San Mateo and San Francisco. 

The family moved to Los Angeles in the early 1890s and appear in that city of the 1900 census, Walter then still described as a schoolboy. A survivor of the San Francisco Earthquake in 1906, he was a graduate of Berkeley, University of California the following year and was a well-liked young man in his local community and in the place of his birth, Montana, where he still had family and where he regularly visited. It was there that he met his future wife, Virginia Estelle McDowell (b. 1885) and they were married in New York on 5 January 1909. The couple were shown residing in Los Angeles on 1910 census and were listed twice; once at the home of his parents at West Adams Street and then at their own home, Severance Street.

The Clark's only child, son James Ross Clark, was born on 24 April 1910. Around that time Walter had taken over from his father as general manager of Los Alamitos Sugar Company.

Walter and Virginia took a belated honeymoon to Europe in early 1912 but cut their trip short to return home and celebrate their son's birthday; they boarded Titanic at Cherbourg as first class passengers on 10 April 1912 (ticket number 13508 which cost £136, 15s, 7d) and occupied cabin C89. 

Walter Miller Clark

Mrs Clark was alone in her cabin when the collision occurred; although noting that the impact was slight she admitted that she felt something was very wrong and immediately dressed and ascended to the promenade deck; she found her husband in the smoking room playing cards with acquaintances. The two made enquiries with officers and other crewmen as to the situation but were told that the ship had struck some ice and that there was no danger. Upon their return to their cabin the Clarks saw a man pass by carrying a lifejacket and soon learned that all passengers were to proceed to the boat deck.

Walter and Virginia dressed warmly and they headed topside where they stopped to watch the proceedings, reportedly meeting with the Astors and Strausses with whom they conversed. Mr Clark reportedly felt no apprehension about the situation and fully expected to see his wife later; the last she saw of him was him hanging over the railing and waving to her. 

Robert Williams Daniel also claimed to have seen Walter and Colonel Astor both leaning against the railing and conversing late in the proceedings; but considering that Daniel left the ship in one of the first lifeboats this is highly questionable. 

Walter Miller Clark died in the sinking and his body, if recovered, was never identified.

His estate was estimated at $78,310 with his two-year-old son to inherit $40,000 of that. Further to this, his widow had a hasty and surprise remarriage in September 1912 leading to a custody battle between her and Walter's parents. The result was joint guardianship was awarded to both parties whereby they had custody six months each year in turn.

His widow Virginia was remarried twice and remained living in California where she died in 1958. His son James Ross Clark died on 24 February 1962 in Riverside, California.

A church in Long Beach, California and now named Lakewood Village Community Church was built in 1937 and was named The Walter Miller Clark Memorial Community Church. Clark's mother, Miriam, donated the land and the funds for its construction.

At the Hollywood Forever Cemetery, located at 6000 Santa Monica Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90038, a tribute plaque to Walter Miller Clark is located inside the Mausoleum for Walter's father, James Ross Clark (April 10, 1850 - September 18, 1927). The plaque lists Walter Clark, Lost at Sea, SS Titanic. 

References and Sources

Contract Ticket List, White Star Line 1912 (National Archives, New York; NRAN-21-SDNYCIVCAS-55[279])
Photo: Anaconda Standard (Montana), 17 April 1912
Sacramento Union, 29 May 1912, Two year old boy inherits big estate

Newspaper Articles

The San Francisco Call (16 April 1912) Walter M. Clark a Passenger
Recent graduate on Titanic
Associated in the beet sugar industry
New York Times (20 April 1912) MRS. ASTOR IS ILL, BUT NOT CRITICALLY
No alarm felt by relatives and friends
San Francisco Bulletin (20 April 1912) TWO U.C. MEN LOST IN WRECK OF TITANIC
Salt Lake Tribune (24 April 1912) WESTERN SURVIVOR OF TITANIC HERE

Comment and discuss

  1. Martin Williams

    Martin Williams

    rainfall com ... 94842.htm Here's a photograph of Walter Miller Clark's first cousin (his mother's sister's daughter) who married the Hungarian Count Anton Sigray von Febre in 1910. The wedding was a 'top drawer' affair, attended by Thomas Cardeza and George and Eleanor Widener, besides swarms of other Society luminaries. Unusually for a debutante, Harriot had been an active supporter of the fashionable Metropolitan Opera. 'The New York Times' of 12 November, 1907, noted that she was the youngest girl that season to have engaged a parterre box in her own name.
  2. Martin Williams

    Martin Williams

    1st100 com/part1/wclark.html Brian has already flagged this link on another thread but, for the purpose of general comprehensiveness, it perhaps deserves a place here as well. The Clark family was one of the wealthiest and most influential in the western States around the turn of the century - a position only consolidated by their marital alliance to the Dalys, which Brian detailed in his post above. Included is a photograph of Walter Miller Clark's parents, J. Ross Clark and his wife Miriam, standing on the steps of their private railroad carriage, with Walter and Virginia's son, J. Ross Clark II. Given the very distinctive style of Mrs Clark's gown, I'd set the date of this snapshot to somewhere between 1912 and 1914 - exactly the time that the 'Titanic' was making her fateful voyage. Another link, attached below, supplies some more biographical information about Walter's father, together with a small picture: findagrave com ... J. Ross Clark's brother (Walter's uncle), Senator... Read full post
  3. Brian Ahern

    Brian Ahern

    Happy New Year, Martin! Your posts are motivating me to finally finish writing up the summary of Virginia's life - as told by contemporary news accounts from her days as a Montana belle to her days as a much-married New York-Palm Beach-Pasadena society matron - that I probably started a year ago. Her life might win the prize for the most soap opera-esque of First Class ladies (though, of course, she's got stiff competition).
  4. Martin Williams

    Martin Williams

    Hi Brian Naturally, I'll be thrilled to read anything you might care to contribute here about Walter and Virginia Clark. Although I am, by the sounds of it, ten paces behind you with my research, I've been following up a few leads of my own and eagerly anticipate your summary. I'm sure it will be a corker. Myself, I've been using the holidays to write my own potted biography of James Clinch Smith, which I hope to get on-line in the next month or so. Best wishes for a happy and healthy 2009. Martin
  5. Martin Williams

    Martin Williams

    findagrave.com/ ...10268& Can't think how I've never come across this site before. As it includes the only photograph of Walter Miller Clark I've seen so far, it might be of some interest.
  6. Martin Williams

    Martin Williams

    hungarianhorse com ... hha_news_sep98.html ...and a very interesting article about the daughter of Walter's first cousin, Harriot Daly, and her activities in Hungary and the States during and after World War II.
  7. Naomi Owens

    Naomi Owens

    Just for the sake of completeness and remembrance, the crew member who compelled her to board a lifeboat was - there were two Mrs Clark/Clarkes on board, but the details (such as them having been newlyweds on their honeymoon in France) indicate that this is the woman he refers to (The interview is short but very moving, I highly recommend it)
  8. Thomas Krom

    Thomas Krom

    It could have only been Virginia Clark considering Prentice was one of the eight plucked from the sea by lifeboat number 4, which first class bedroom steward Andrew Orr Cunningham confirmed as well. It must be noted however that Prentice, while an interesting survivor, sometimes sensationalized his later accounts.
  9. Arun Vajpey

    Arun Vajpey

    Definitely. I know that he was in his 90s at the time of the TV interview, but I found the story about Prentice being able to "smell" the presence of icebergs and had done so with the one that the Titanic struck amusingly ridiculous.
  10. Thomas Krom

    Thomas Krom

    While the smelling of the ice could certainly be possible, the dormitory of the storekeepers had a porthole after all, to state it was the iceberg the Titanic hit is just very sensationalistic. I believe that's a good summary of his stories in his later life, some truthfulness sprinkled with sensationalism.
  11. Arun Vajpey

    Arun Vajpey

    Thomas, there is a limitation to the distance to which human olfactory sensation can extend even for the strongest smells. Apart from the fact that the iceberg did not exactly have a strong odour, consider the distance at which it was first sighted. When exactly did Prentice say he smelt the ice? Perhaps when it passed his porthole? Also, if such a thing was really possible, one would think that experienced deck crew like Murdoch, Fleet etc would be the most likely to sense presence of ice. Even then it would be things like subtle changes in air temperature rather than any smell IMO.

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Titanic Passenger Summary

Name: Mr Walter Miller Clark
Age: 27 years 11 months and 2 days (Male)
Nationality: American
Marital Status: Married to Virginia Estelle McDowell
Embarked: Cherbourg on Wednesday 10th April 1912
Ticket No. 13508, £136 15s 7d
Cabin No. C89
Died in the Titanic disaster (15th April 1912)
Body Not Identified

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