Encyclopedia Titanica

William Lahtinen

Second Class Passenger

William Lahtinen
William Lahtinen

Reverend Wilhelm 'William' Henriksson/Heikkinpoika Lahtinen was born in Viitasaari, Finland on 23 April 1876 the son of Heikki Peura (b. 2 October 1839) and Fredrika Karlsdotter Peura, née Lohilahti/Lohilax (b. 1842).1

Little is known about his early life but is believed that he may have seen military service as a younger man.

He emigrated to the USA in around June 1903, sailing aboard the Campania and worked his own farm in Cokato, Wright County, Minnesota as well as spending time in Lead, South Dakota and Michigan and he became a naturalised US citizen on 5 December 1910 in Buffalo, Minnesota.

As well as farming, he was pastor of the Apostolic Lutheran Church.

William married Anna Amelia Silfvén 15 October 1904 in Lawrence County, South Dakota. (b. 1878), another Finnish American. The marriage was without issue but they adopted a child, Martha Agnes who was born in St Paul, Minnesota on 29 September 1907. The family were shown on the 1910 census residing at their farm in Cokato, Minnesota.                                                        

Lahtinen applied for a passport in September 1911 with the intention of returning to Finland to visit his now widowed mother; he was described as standing at 5' 8" and light hair and moustache, blue eyes and a fair complexion. He had arranged with contractor Nels Hill of Cokato to have a new residence built in Minneapolis, with completion expected soon after his return.

Upon arrival in Finland their daughter Martha became ill, possibly with meningitis and she died on 10 March 1912.

William and his wife, for their return to the USA, boarded Titanic at Southampton as second class passengers (ticket number 250651 which cost £26) and they were joined by his wife's relative Lyyli Silvén for the journey.

On the evening of 14 April 1912 Lyyli Silvén had enjoyed a "dance" in second class but had returned to her cabin and was asleep at the time of the impact which later wakened her. After this she hastened to find the Lahtinens.

Lyyli seemingly remained with the Lahtinens during the evacuation and reported that Anna Lahtinen, despite appearing to be very nervous, refused to be parted from her husband.

William Lahtinen and his wife both died in the sinking and their bodies, if recovered, were never identified.


  1. It is unknown why his parents went by Peura when William went by Lahtinen, but it has been stated he changed his name to Lahtinen when he in 1902 was living at Taivalkoski.

Newspaper Articles

Believed by a relative to be among those who went down with the Titanic
Cokato Enterprise (25 April 1912) MRS. WM. LAHTINEN DIES WITH HUSBAND
Karlshamns Allehanda (15 May 1912) Miss Lyyli Silvéns account


Minneapolis Star Tribune (1912) William Lahtinen in c. 1912



Claes-Göran Wetterholm (1988) Titanic, Prisma, Stockholm. ISBN 91 518 3644 0

Comment and discuss

  1. Hildur Panula-Heinonen

    Hildur Panula-Heinonen

    That is a cool site, it kinda is bad that they did not put any names.Is there a pic of the Anna, her husband and daughter?
  2. David FIlpus

    David FIlpus

    Sorry. I have found photos of Anna's father, Juho Jacob Silfven, and two uncles, Kaarlo and Oscar Edward Silfven, but nothing of William, Anna or Martha Lahiten or of her siblings.
  3. Hildur Panula-Heinonen

    Hildur Panula-Heinonen

    That sucks. It is a still a very great site though.
  4. Donna Matson

    Donna Matson

    Anna Silfven Lahtinen was one of my grandmother Ellen Mattila Matson's first cousins. I have a number of photographs of her that I didn't realize were actually her until just last night when I found the pic of her and her husband William and their daughter Martha on a website and recognized her as one of the many "mystery relatives" in the photographs my grandmother left us after her death. Anna's eyes are very distinctive, and we have remarked about her photos over the years. With her father Carl A. Silfven being a photographer, I imagine there are quite a few photos of her out there. As soon as I dig them out of storage and scan them I will post them.
  5. David FIlpus

    David FIlpus

    There is a picture said to be the Lahtinens at
  6. Donna Matson

    Donna Matson

    The picture on lestadiolaisuus.info is indeed of the Lahtinens. It came from a distant cousin I had been in touch with 6 years ago. The web pic is dark and muddy, a copy of a copy. William Lahtinen was an Apostolic Lutheran minister in a branch of Lutheranism founded by Lars Levi Laestadius. David, you and I have to be related on the Silfven line. Can you please email me privately?
  7. Hildur Panula-Heinonen

    Hildur Panula-Heinonen

    As a Finn myself, i must remark on how dark Anna is. I understand the old phtography but even if she was standing here, she would be dark.
  8. Donna Matson

    Donna Matson

    As to Anna's darkness, she indeed appears very dark on that one web site, but it is a copy of a copy. I have a digital copy of the same photo and she isn't that dark, but her eyes are very distinctive and penetrating. The Silfven family is from the north of Finland, and in my genealogical research I would suspect there's some Saami ancestry. I still haven't had time to delve into my storage for the photos of her and her family but shall be doing so shortly.
  9. Ksilfven


    Hi, Kay! I am new to this site. My father, Albert Kenneth Silfven, is the great nephew of Anna. Anna's brother Carl is my great grandfather. Lyyli Silfven stayed with Carl and my great grandmother Lydia Silfven in Hancock when she left New York after being rescued by the Carpathia. My dad is 91 years old and in good health, and still living independently at home with my mom, aged 90, also in good health. My dad is very knowledgeable about the the history of the Silfven family, as well as their Titanic tragedy, and I accompanied him to Finland to meet and talk to the family there.
  10. Ksilfven


    Hi! I am new to this site. I am the great-great grandniece of Anna. My dad's grandfather is Anna's brother Carl. Whole there may be some traces of Sami (he has had a DNA test, as have I), the Sami comes from my dad's mother's side, not the Silfven side.

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Titanic Passenger Summary

Name: Rev. William Lahtinen
Age: 35 years 11 months and 22 days (Male)
Nationality: Finnish
Occupation: Priest / Minister
Embarked: Southampton on Wednesday 10th April 1912
Ticket No. 250651, £26
Died in the Titanic disaster (15th April 1912)
Body Not Identified

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