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  1. C

    George Rheims

    Honestly, I don't know what to make of this! Another mystery...
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    George Rheims

    Very, very interesting Bob. Thanks for your input. It makes you wonder how the whole thing happened. Rheims had no interest in lying to the Court, so I don't see why he would make up such a situation. He even went as far as providing a sketch so his words could be verified. Are you positive...
  3. C

    George Rheims

    Just noticed: the deckplans here on ET indicate that there ARE windows on both sides of the passageway where the baths are located. On the White Star Line's "Plan of first class accommodation" (that I was using as a reference), there are no windows. The passageway seems closed on both sides. If...
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    George Rheims

    Is anyone else puzzled by Mr. Rheim's account? I find some details very confusing. First, his cabin location. In his deposition to the United States District Court, he said that his stateroom was A21 on the port side of the ship. Now, unless I've had too much wine, A21 is located on the...
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    Launch Menu May 31 1911

    Guys, the correct spelling is chou-fleur (sing.), the plural being choux-fleurs. I'm studying translation at the university, and some weeks ago we studied the plurals of compound names. "Chou-fleur" was one of the examples given, so there it is!
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    3D 1st Class Dining Room

    These are photo-realistic, Christian! Your 3D artwork will never cease to amaze me. Keep up the good work!
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    Titanic The Ship Magnificent

    I just want to add my voice to the others and say that I am very much looking forward to read this book(s). I understand how important this book will be to the Titanic community, and if it's time it takes to make it as perfect as possible, I'll be happy to wait a few more months. Keep up the...
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    Chateau Laurier Hotel

    Well, I finally paid a visit today at Chí¢teau Laurier, and I must say it was pretty impressive. The first portrait hanging in the picture gallery there (which traces the evolution and history of the Chí¢teau throughout time, from it's building in 1909 to present day) is that of our very own C...
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    My Titanic model

    Looking good, Morten! I bought this model kit a few years ago thinking I would I have a lot of fun, but I didn't realize back then that I was far too lazy to ever complete it, and now it is gathering dust in a high shelf in my closet.
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    Cave list

    Thanks for that Daniel, I should have known this was already explained in your essay, but as it's been a long time since I last read it, I didn't recall this particular issue being raised. I must have sounded stupid then!
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    Cave list

    How do you explain Stead, who paid minimum fare for a large suite on C-deck, and Major Butt whom Lester mentioned?
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    The CG rendering is awesome. Is it from some game or TV show?
  13. C

    B deck's cabins

    Well, Daniel, be sure to keep me informed if you ever stumble upon a gold mine!
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    B deck's cabins

    Actually, Randy, I could take another clear-up from Daniel myself! I have discussed this topic with him in the past, but am still a bit confused. If we accept that the Countess was mistaken in saying she was in B77 (or the reporter got it wrong), then there are three possible scenarios. 1) The...
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    Baron of Von Drachsted Madame de Villiers

    “Many people couldn’t take it. Mrs. Greenfield, who was sitting behind me, was covering her ears as tight as she could. There was a young miss from New York who was hysterical, and the young man from Cologne whom I have described earlier had the foolish idea to shoot all the cartridges out of...
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    Baron of Von Drachsted Madame de Villiers

    Randy, In addition to Omont and Maréchal, Mrs. Flegenheim also mentioned the German Baron as having emptied his revolver, so I would say there's good chance he really did.
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    Titanic Lounge 3D Model Rework

    The way I understood it, is that BMK Stoddard couldn't find the appropriate patterns used on the actual Titanic, as their archives didn't go that far back, hence a special pattern (that was still true to the era) was woven especially for Cameron. As such, the pattern that you can see in the...
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    Historical Inconsistencies

    Ismay testified during the American Senate Inquiry that had B52/54/56. In fact, he pointed it out on a deck plan. Senator Smith asked him, “You had the suite?” and Ismay replied, “I had the suite.” So the executive producer on the DVD ought to do his homework.
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    Montreal QC Canada

    That sounds wonderful! I really look forward to meeting some of you.
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    Who Knew Who Aboard Titanic

    I very much doubt Mr. Penasco would leave his young bride in the cabin to go dine alone in the saloon, so I would also be tempted to think that the Spaniard was Mr. Ovies y Rodriguez, who was travelling alone. It must have been a funny sight anyway, three spanish speaking men and two high-hat...