3D 1st Class Dining Room

Thats great work, Daeniel!:-)

Here is another render... Now I've put in the windows.

Christian, did you by chance get my e-mail? I sent it via otcarter@usca.edu (Odell Carter). I was just curious. Anywho, this is just amazing. I get excited everytime I open my e-mail and have a notice about new pics in here. Keep up the spectacular work!
Hope the images turned out well, they show not only a bit of the panelling well but i also like the way that they show the patterns of the leaded glass window. Excellent work, the busts of the female heads in the panelling looks fantastic. There is an image around somewhere that shows the workers fitting out an Olympic Class liner (I suppose this to be the Olympic as very few photo references exist of the Titanic). It shows the application of the panelling and shows a few features such as small protruding platforms on the walls used most likely for floral arrangements though cutlery and china placement does seem a more applicable use than decoration. You might try hunting that out! I'll do what i can to search out more photos that may help
Hi everyone!

More renderings will come soon! yes, I'm working in 3d studio max 8 and render with Vray.

But I'm in need for help....
Can anyone help me finding out the colors and pattern on the dining saloon floor?
That would be great!


Finns det nagon mojlighet att fa anvanda dina FANTASTISKA renders pa Titanic Norden?
Jag har nyligen blivit medarbetare dar och har hand om avelningarna "Fartyget" och "Folket", och skulle verkligen uppskatta att fa anvanda dina bilder. De ar nagot av det absolut basta jag sett!
Och sjalvklart sa far du credit for dina bilder pa sajten i sa fall!

Du ar valkommen att kontakta mig via e-mail om du vill: maritha.bostrom@gmail.com

Fortsatt med ditt kanonjobb!!!


Just a request of usage of Christian's fabulous renders for those of you who might not understand Swedish... ;)
Those renders are wonderful Christian. Well done! in regards to the floor tiles, if you visit Parks Stephenson's site Marconigraph.com and click on the Titanic section, an article called "James Camerons expedition 2001, What we saw inside and outside the wreck'by Ken Marschall, will show up. Click on this and go to page 4 and scroll down to the section dealing with the debris field. A little further down is a blue highlighted link to a CGI of Dining Room floor tiles that he did up. Hope you find it okay!.