first officer murdoch

  1. Encyclopedia Titanica

  2. T

    The Iceberg

    Once the iceberg was spotted, we know Murdoch ordered Hard-A-Starboard and the engines [Answer here, please] While the collision was taking place, did Murdoch port around the iceberg or did the ship keep turning to starboard? Or did the ship scrape the whole iceberg, and somehow managed not...
  3. Dan E. Parkes

    First Officer Murdoch's Mate and Master applications and certificates

    For those interested in seeing First Officer Murdoch's Merchant Service Records, including his applications and certificates for Second Mate, First Mate and Extra Master, then I am happy to say you can now view them on my website here: Murdoch's Merchant Service Records | William Murdoch...
  4. Dan E. Parkes

    New Evidence -Why Quartermaster Hichens Was Not in Capetown in 1914

    Sally Nilsson, great-granddaughter of Quartermaster Robert Hichens, based her book "The Man Who Sank Titanic" on a dubious letter that put Hichens as a Harbourmaster in Cape Town in 1914 leading to an inference that he was 'paid of' by the White Star Line with a lifelong job for as long as he...
  5. S

    Murdoch Biographies

    Searching for the Murdoch biographies "Good Bye, Good Luck" and "A Career at Sea," both by Susan Stormer. Does anyone have copies of these books for sale or know if anyone does, or where I could locate them? Interested in obtaining these. If there are other books that contain biographical...
  6. Dan E. Parkes

    Murdoch's White Star Line "Record of Service In Company"

    First Officer William Murdoch's White Star Line "Record of Service In Company" is now available to view for those interested: William Murdoch's WSL Service Record | William Murdoch Although it may raise more questions than provide answers as it reveals that he served aboard the Majestic...
  7. J Burdette

    Murdoch-Wilde Animosity

    I was reading a book entitled "Great Ship Disasters" when I came to a section on the Titanic. It says there was "bitterness" between Henry Wilde and William "Murdock" (sic) due to the officer reshuffle, when Murdoch was knocked down a rank. Really? I know Lightoller appeared to have gone over...
  8. Dan E. Parkes

    Was Murdoch drunk at the wheel?

    In an interesting twist, Quartermaster Robert Hichens' great-granddaughter Sally Nilsson has accused Murdoch of being asleep and drunk at the time of collision in a new book designed to clear Hichens name. Her primary evidence consists of a letter naming Hichens as a Cape Town harbourmaster...
  9. Dan E. Parkes

    First Officer Murdoch's RNR Service Record and Telescope

    Formally known as Lieutenant William McMaster Murdoch RNR (Royal Navy Reserve), it is fascinating to see his official service record and also a telescope that was presented to him by the British Navy. You can view his service record here: William Murdoch's Service Record | William Murdoch...
  10. Dan E. Parkes

    Did Murdoch make a fatal steering error?

    In September 2010, Lady Louise Patten, Second Officer Lightoller's granddaughter, released information that accused experienced sailors, First Officer Murdoch and Quartermaster Hichens, of making a fatal steering error and later deliberate negligence by continuing to sail after the collision...
  11. Arun Vajpey

    Murdoch's position just before impact

    There is one point which I have wondered before but hesitated from posting for fear getting my head bitten off. Murdoch was in the starboard wing of the bridge when he saw the berg, perhaps in reponse to Fleet's 3 bells. Is there any evidence as to how far on in the starboard wing Murdoch was...
  12. Dan E. Parkes

    First Officer Murdoch's 1909 letter

    Although seemingly not as newsworthy as the recovery of Murdoch's personal items from the wreck, the discovery of a letter written in Murdoch's hand to a “Miss Nancy” in 1909 while he was serving as first officer aboard the Adriatic has been revealed thanks to a recent auction. I have written up...
  13. A

    Good-Bye, Good Luck - The Biography of William Murdoch by Susanne Stormer

    I have a copy of this book for sale, signed and numbered. I bought it when the movie first came out as I was very intrigued by Murdoch and wanted to get more insight into him. Its a lovely book and in near perfect condition. I'd rather it go to someone who will enjoy it than just throw it on...
  14. K

    In Murdoch's Defense

    I have read many a book and article and seen many a show where people constantly want to hate on Murdoch for not just ramming the iceberg head on. They even bash the poor guy in the inquiries. Now, in my own very humble opinion I believe there is just a very reasonable explanation for it all...
  15. Encyclopedia Titanica

    William McMaster Murdoch
  16. Norbert Zimmermann

    Murdoch's parents and grandparents

    A have a question about the parents of William Murdoch.His father was a scottish man,but from which country comes his mother? I heard that she comes from Ireland.Is it true?
  17. Arun Vajpey

    Murdoch's orders after sighting the iceberg

    One aspect that no one, not even the many sailors that I have specifically asked, has clearly answered the question about how the Titanic's stern 'swung clear' of the iceberg after the latter bumped and scraped along the bow to a point just beyond the 5th compartment. While most accounts now...
  18. H

    Murdoch Lowe and Lightoller at Boats 13 14 and D

    I am writing a story which involves some of the main characters getting away in these three lifeboats: boat 14, boat 13, and Collapsible D. First, the main character's brother, who is about 10-12 years old, is rejected by Lowe at lifeboat 14. However, I've read that Lowe escaped in Lifeboat 14...
  19. H

    Dumb Question about Murdoch

    I think I'm going insane here. Was it Quartermaster Robert Hichens who steered the Titanic into the iceberg or was it 1st officer Murdoch? Now I'm not trying to criticize either man for their actions, I just want to figure out who happened to be the unfortunate man at the wheel during the...
  20. S

    First Officer Murdoch's Nickname If Any

    Hello everyone! As I read some posts about the Titanic's first officer, a question popped into my head. What was Murdoch referred to casually? Of course as we all know, his full name was William McMaster Murdoch. Now many people on this board refer to him as Will Murdoch. Was this true...