first officer murdoch

  1. M

    Murdoch and Wilde

    Hi all new here and I have a few questions hopefully people can help 1)Other then the fatal full asteern order Murdoch gave that aside could he have done something to save the ship,prehaps hard to port instead?... 2)What was Cheif Officer wilde's duties on the ship and what did he do on...
  2. L

    Ada Murdoch

    Can anybody tell me anything about Murdoch's wife where they met ? Where married and whatever became of her after her husband's death ?Thanks
  3. K

    Who wrote the best book about W Murdoch

    I have been looking around for the best book that has been written about William Murdoch. Does anyone know which is the best? Thanks Best regards Kari
  4. M

    Murdochs end

    Ive been looking at boards for ANTR that said the they didnt see Murdoch at the end, and that Lightoller was at the Clapsible A instad of Murdoch. But actually i saw them both there! Its oviously him cuse he at 2 gold bands on his sleeves. Did anyone see this?
  5. S

    Actor who played Murdoch

    I thought the actor who played Murdoch was very good. The scene where he through Cal's money at him and said that his money couldn't save him was priceless. Is he English or American?
  6. J

    Murdoch's Mistake

    Had Murdoch used Titanic's speed to his advantage, then i am confident that the ship would have survived. Instead of ordering the engines "Full Astern" and Hard to Starboard, he could of just ordered the starboard engine to be put full astern, and the port, full ahead. While at the same time...
  7. M

    1914 Murdoch Saves Liner from Iceberg by Senan Molony

    Excellent research! It's amazing this account has never to my knowledge been talked about before here. Michael Koch
  8. T

    A Question re Will Murdoch's Vital Stats

    My fellow friend & fanfic co-writer, knows of someone in her area who can make me a lifesize realistic-looking William McMaster Murdoch doll. So therefore, I need his vital stats confirmed. In Suzanne Stormer's "WMM: A Career At Sea" biography, Will wrote his following stats on two of his...
  9. J

    What Happened to Captain Smith and Murdoch

    In Titanic he attempts to steer the ship underwater. In a famous picture he is seen handing a baby to a lifeboat in the sea. According to witnesses he went to the bridge. Murdoch shoots Tommy Ryan dead in Titanic, though not true- he didn't shoot anyone! Murdoch was last seen trying to free...
  10. T

    Daniel Parkes' Murdoch web site

    I am posting this for Daniel Parkes--he has a new web site on Murdoch that he just put up at I think that it's very well done and definitely worth a look! Tracey M.
  11. T

    Will Murdoch & The Lydgate

    In Susanne Stormer's William McMaster Murdoch: A Career At Sea biography of my favorite and most loved First Officer, she talks about the's the excerpt from her book, which can be found on pages 83 & 84: Murdoch secured himself a berth as 1st mate aboard the Lydgate, a four...
  12. J

    Titanic miniseries and Murdoch

    Hello, in the '96 Titanic miniseries, First Officer Murdoch is played as an arrogant man, who's superiority feeling seems to take control of all his moves and words. In Cameron's movie though, he is played as a regular Officer who does his job consciously without any kind of arrogance, fully...
  13. Inger Sheil

    William Murdoch Cover bFamily Tree Magb

    Not a book, but a publication. Folks in the UK and overseas where they get UK genealogical mags might want to keep an eye out for the December issue of Family Tree Magazine. I got quite a surprise when I went into the PRO bookshop today to see a lovely reproduction of the photo of a young...
  14. G

    William McMaster Murdoch A Career at Sea

    Just to let you know that the above book, by Susanne Stormer is now published. I do have some advance copies but as it's a fairly heavy volume, postage to the USA might be prohibitive. It is an incredibly well researched topic with a couple of new twists that might just set the reader thinking...
  15. A

    That Murdoch hometown website

    Hey, I'm sure some of you all have been to the website that the people from his hometown of created. Well, in there they talk about how it made them mad when James Cameron had Murdoch commit suicide. Then they start throwing stuff of how it was definitely Wilde who committed suicide. In a way...
  16. J

    W M Murdoch what do you think happened

    i have to say that William was a hero.he never shot anyone or himself and was probably sucked down with the ship as she began to plunge.i heard as collapsible A floted of deck he shouted "make room for Wilde"!i dont like the way film directors put in him shooting class at school...
  17. N

    Captain Smith's orders

    On the night of the sinking did Capt.Smith retire to his quarters and leave Murdoch in command on the bridge.If Capt.Smith left Murdoch in charge did he ask him to maintain a high speed to keep on course to get to New York in record time despite the ice warnings ? Nick.
  18. B

    William M. Murdoch: What Happened?

    Hello everyone, I have been slacking on my postings here recently, but now I'm getting things back on track. A couple of weeks ago, a friend and I were speculating over what might have happened to First Officer Murdoch the night the ship sank. Neither of us buy the suicide theory, but we...
  19. M

    Did Murdoch shoot himself?

    Hi all! I'm researching William McMaster Murdoch bio and I'll be glad to help some of you with your questions. Unfortunately I can access i-net only once a week- so type it here (or email me at [email protected] or [email protected] ) and I'll try to help ya! Best regards to all...
  20. Dan E. Parkes

    The alleged suicide of First Officer Murdoch

    I am wanting any information regarding the alleged suicide of First Officer Murdoch, as portrayed in James Cameron's film. At present I have nearly completed what must be one of the most extensive and/or comprehensive review of his life and the controversy surrounding his death, with the...