
  1. S

    Hugh Lane paintings and Lusitania

    Most Lusitania aficionados known the tangled story of art dealer and philanthropist Hugh Lane, who died on the vessel in May 1915. He was bringing back paintings on the great Cunarder - but that's another story. Lane's death left a whole swathe of Old Masters in a certain limbo. He had...
  2. Gustavo Lattarulo

    RMS Lusitania Deck Plans

    After I started liking the Lusitania, I realized something: there are no deck plans of her on Internet. The only one i've seen is from Geocities, but it's too small. CAN SOMEBODY PLEASE SEND ME A DECK PLAN THAT'S BIG!!! I would really appreciate it.
  3. S

    Lusitania's undergång by Claes-Göran Wetterholm

    Claes is a class act, as anyone who knows him soon recognises. This new book, Lusitanias undergång, published in Stockholm, is obviously in Swedish. (ISBN 91-518-4438-9) But it is worth getting, if only for the pictures! (Okay, I contributed about four from my little cache, so I would say...
  4. M

    What if Lusitania had collision with iceberg

    Hello all, Had Lusitania sustained the same damage as Titanic what would have been the likely outcome? Would a different subdivision had saved the Lusitania from the Titanic's fate? Thanks, ~Matt
  5. S

    Orders to ram & Lusitania sinking Capt Fryatt

    The story of Captain Fryatt was told again tonight in a new Channel 4 series, Not Forgotten. Unfortunately Captain Fryatt is forgotten. But he is an important footnote and way-station in the Lusitania story. Fryatt's much-lauded action in using his merchant vessel to ram a U-boat in...
  6. Martin Owen Cahill

    Lusitania in the Commutator

    I just saw the 90th anniversary article in the latest commutator and it is a must see. It is illustrated with original ills from journals like the ILN. The cover has a painting of Lucille Duff Gordon on it. cheers Martin
  7. L

    Church Services on the Lusitania

    Hi, I just had a random question. Were there church services on the Lusitania? If so, does anyone know where they took place? Thanks, Lindsay
  8. J

    Lusitania Passenger List with Titanic Connections

    Here is a Lusitania passenger list from the March 2, 1912 crossing Mike recently picked up. Our initial interest in acquiring it was fostered by the appearance of Mrs A.S. Witherbee, who would survive the fatal 1915 voyage, but as we read through it we were also surprised to see how many future...
  9. L

    Inside the Lusitania

    Hello everyone! I am a new member. A nineteen year old interested in Lusitania. I've been trying to find a book with information on the Lusitania's interior design (especially first class). It would be extremely helpful if it had more pictures of the ship; I would really like to see a photo of...
  10. J Kent Layton

    Looking For LUSITANIA Photographs

    I have a number of photographs of the LUSITANIA and her sisters, MAURETANIA & AQUITANIA, in my collection, but would be interested in seeing how many of my fellow photograph & paraphernalia collectors out there would be willing to share such content with me in a potential upcoming project. I...
  11. J

    LEST WE FORGET PART 2 As The Lusitania Went Down

    "128 pages? Isn't that a bit much....?" (Casual reader on right) "Wait until you see the manuscript for Part 3 in early 2006....." (The authors, on the left) Mike and I are pleased to say that our new Lusitania article is up on ET, and we are both exceptionally happy with the work Phil Hind...
  12. V

    Lusitania's Dining Room

    I have heard that Lusitania or Mauretania (I can not remember which one it was) have had a beautiful dining room in Louis XVI. style on two storeys. Does anybody have picture of the dining room? Thank you, Vitezslav
  13. M

    Lusitania wreck pictures

    I need to find good quality pics of the Lusitania wreck. Mostly around the port stern. Any info would be appreciated.
  14. M

    Wrecked Lusitania plans in the works

    After about a years rest after the hellacious project that was the Titanics wreck site, I've decided to model the Lusitania's wreck. I decided not to use a kit and the model will be almost 100 percent scratchbuilt. Using plans of Lucy's hull I will first build up ribs in the shape of the damaged...
  15. T

    Did Ballard do a photographic survey of the Lusitania wreck

    Despite the Lusitania wreck being flattened and as askew as a dropped deck of cards, I have long wondered Ballard did any kind of photographic survey, so a mosaic of the wrecksite could later be compiled. Such would be a very important reference guide for Lusitania researchers... regards...
  16. S

    Significant Lusitania Development on Artefact Retrieval

    I beg leave to report the following development in the Irish High Court on Friday, June 17, 2005: AMERICAN Greg Bemis (75) has won his High Court challenge to the Irish State's decision to refuse him a licence for a $2m (€1.64m) research expedition on the wreck of the liner, Lusitania...
  17. B

    The Lusitania Inquiry

    Dear all, For the benefit of the membership of ET, I wanted to let everyone know that after much hard work on the part of Rob Ottmers and Eric Sauder, the text for the British Inquiry into the loss of the Lusitania is now available on line, and can be found here...
  18. William Graham

    What is your favorite Lusitania documentary

    My favorite is Lusitania: Murder on the Atlantic
  19. T

    Lusitania Model II

    Hi, everyone. Just posted a new thread at TRMA, so I'm going to copy and paste here as well. Finally had time to get back on the Lusitania in the past week, working my way from the keel up. I'm now up to the Shelter Deck, and have a render at My...