
  1. D

    Last Voyage Menu from Lusitania

    Titanic historians are well familiar with the famous "Last Dinner menu" saved by a first class passenger and reprinted in several books. Does anyone know if any last voyage menus from the LUSITANIA were saved?
  2. S

    Lusitania & submarine A5

    I made an error in an earlier post about the Lusitania graveyard also containing the remains of British submariners lost on the A-1, which was the first British sub to be lost. I should have said the submarine A-5 (whose disaster occurred at much the same time), not the A-1. It is the A-5...
  3. J

    WWI Lusitania Model

    Does anyone know where I can buy a Lusitania model in the WWI paint style?
  4. Mike Poirier

    Lusitania victim John Hayes

    Here is a link to the museum display of items belonging to John Hayes, who lost his life on the Lusitania.
  5. Mike Poirier

    Lusitania model

    Where would I find a build-it-yourself Lusitania model and what is the range in price? Thanks Mike
  6. Mike Poirier

    Lusitania Maiden Voyage Passenger List

    To view the maiden voyage passenger list (albeit with some mistakes) for the Lusitania, go to- I do believe you have to register with Ellis Island to view it, but it only takes a...
  7. T

    Lusitania propaganda medal

    I notice the Lusitania 'propaganda' medal pops up, dozens at a time every month on Ebay. Were these medals mass produced? Were there different versions? If so, which version of the medal was the rarest, and the most collectable? What should a collector look for? To my uniformed eye, all the...
  8. S

    Lest We Forget (The Lusitania)

    Good job, gentlemen, and Phil. A worthy tribute for the 90th Anniversary.
  9. J

    SS Lusitania Arrive NYC April 24 1913

    Looking for any details of this Arrival in New York. Ellis Island Website has nothing on it nor does it have name of my Danish Immigrant I am looking for. [I have green card that shows ship name and arrival and name, but that is it. I am told passenger list do not exist for the Lusitania?? Help...
  10. A

    Lusitania's Rolling Characteristics

    Hello all, I've read a number of times that Lucy and Maury were "rough rides" known to pitch because of their fine lines fore and aft as well as roll considerably. With regard to Lucy's rolling, was she considered a "snappy" roller like Normandie that quickly righted itself, a slow...
  11. E

    Correct chronology LusitaniaMauretania

    Hi, There are two records to consider - East and West. The Mauretania first took the Eastbound from Lusitania in 1907, and held solid the Westbound from 1909 to July of 1929 - losing it by small margin to the NDL Bremen. Mauretania could not have won in July '07 as her second trials and...
  12. A

    Lusitania's Fastest Crossings

    Hello all, I was wondering if someone here could provide the details of Lucy’s fastest westbound and eastbound crossings. Also, I read on the “Monsters of the Sea” website that the Lusitania suffered through a period of propeller and turbine problems: After a bad period, during which the ship...
  13. J

    Lusitania's Dining Room

    Hi all, I hear many people say that they liked Lusitania's First Class dining hall the best. Yet, I have only seen two "artists' renditions" of it. Does anybody know of a site which might have some more images/artist's impressions of Lusitania's first class dining room? Thanks, John
  14. T

    Lusitania Model

    Larger image: I need documentation! I'm past the Normandie (I hope) and now I'm trying to model the Lusitania in 3D, but came to China before I could really get started on my research. All I have is the Ballard book, the Preston book and the Shipbuilder...
  15. J

    Lusitania Merchant Cruiser

    I have read where the admiralty invested in Lusitania, and that allowances were made in her design to facilitate conversion to an armed Merchant Cruiser. Does anyone have knowledge of what these features were?
  16. E

    World's Works 1908 Lusitania Article How Long

    Hi, Some help needed here. Does anyone know what is the number of pages and illustrations in the complete article "A Trip on the Two Largest Ships" by F. N Doubleday from the 1908 World's Works Magazine? Thank you for your time. Every good wish, Eric Longo
  17. T

    How many Lusitania survivors published thier tale of survival

    How many Lusitania survivors have published thier accounts of the sinking in book or pamplet form? The most famous being Charles lauriat's amazingly underrated book- but I believe there were 2 other survivors who published as well. Who were they? Regards Tarn Stephanos
  18. J

    Lusitania & Mauretania Books

    I already have the Mark D Warren editions of Engineering souvenir issues of Lusitania and Mauretania. I'm now wondering whether to get the Shipbuilder reprint, entitled "Ocean Liners of the Past - Lusitania and Mauretania". Is it worth getting - I mean, is there anything in this book that's...
  19. M

    Lusitania conspiracy

    Hello: Today while doing research at Carson City's public library I inadvertently stumbled upon a book..."Conspiracy Theories in American History". Lo and behold...Lusitania, Sinking of... David Holloway writes in part: "As well as the cause of the second explosion, one furtur...
  20. A


    Hi everyone - it's facinating to know there are so many people out there who share an interest in something which happened so long ago. My great grandfather, D.I William Pierpoint was one of the lucky ones to survive the sinking of the Lusitania. As I write this, I have his hand written...