queen mary 2

  1. Gordon Mooneyhan

    Amateur radio

    Back in the day, Cunard ships also included amateur "ham" radio equipment, and any licensed amateur radio operator could operate the amateur radio equipment upon showing their government-issued license. Queen Mary 1 has the station onboard and it was operational until the ship was closed to the...
  2. M

    QM2 adds a passenger during cruise

  3. A

    Queen Mary 2 Refit 2016

    Hi. Does anyone know what Cunard intends to do with the many fixtures and fittings that will come off her next year with the refit? Thanks
  4. R

    QM2 Computer Generated Video

    Interesting CGV someone sent me. QM2 Arriving in New York After a Storm www.youtube.com/watch?v=e04QmFIZZAo
  5. Z

    QM2 Claims

    Do people call the QM2 "unsinkable"? Does she have enough lifeboats? Does she have lifeboat drills? Do they still segregate steerage? Are the rich people still snobbish?
  6. J

    I Thought I Won a QM2 Cruise But The Contest Turned Out To Be Bogus

    There is a cruise website.If it is ok with the moderators on this board I will link the website here http://www.cruisefreekforum.com Anyway the owner of this website was conducting contests to win Independence Day and Christmas Cruises aboard the QM2 and another contest to win the maiden voyage...
  7. R

    Worker kills lover onboard Queen Mary 2 cruise ship

    Ain't love grand. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/top-stories/2008/10/29/etc
  8. R

    QM2 QE2 & QV Photo Essay

    Photographer Peter Hewitt has compiled an outstanding collection of the 3 Cunarders here: http://cunardqueens.fotopic.net/ All are high resolution quality and desktop wallpaper size. Enjoy.
  9. R

    QM2's Well Deck Propellor Blades

    On QM2's "Forward Well Deck" there are 8 propellor blades mounted upright. You can see them here: http://www.qm2.org.uk/images/exterior/bow11port.jpg And here: http://www.qm2.org.uk/images/exterior/Blades.jpg Does anyone know the significance of these?
  10. R

    QM2 Virtual Tour

    Available from Cunard. http://queenmary2.cunard.co.uk/ Enjoy. The QE2 & QM2 docked side by side. This really shows the huge size difference! [Moderator's Note: Edited post to remove image, due to copyright issues. JDT]
  11. J

    Possible Sister Ship for the QM2

    I found this link which is www.completecruisesolution.com/files/775.pdf This link is to a report from Carnival UK that is about the forecast for the British cruise industry in the year 2020.In this report there is mention of the possibility of by the year 2020 there might be a second...
  12. Liam Thomas

    QM2's lifeboats

    I have worked out the total lifeboats on davits capacity to be 3162. The QM2 carries 3873 passengers+crew. I am assuming that the remaining people without a lifeboat seat would have to take to the inflatable life rafts? Exactly how many inflatable life rafts are there? and the capacity of each...
  13. J

    QM2 Design

    Does anyone know why some of the hull balcony cabins above the Britannia Restaurant have vertical posts in the middle of them? These run all three decks of the hull balcony cabins and I noticed that this is the only place on the ship that these exist. See the photo.
  14. Mandy Clancey

    QM2 and QE2 coming to Sydney

    This will be so exciting. I only wish I lived in Sydney...... http://www.news.com.au/travel/story/0,23483,21191094-27977,00.html
  15. M

    Queen Mary 2 decklamps

    Does anyone know if there is any plans/diagrams/whatever for the locations of the deck-lamps on the QM2? What I am looking for is the amount of deck-lamps, the main locations, type of light, colors etc. Any help would be highly appreciated! The new model will get some hundred lights instead...
  16. M

    My Queen Mary 2 model is up for sale

    All - My Queen Mary 2-model is now up for sale. This has nothing to do with the model itself. A new one will of course be built, but the old one has to go first. Anyone interested can drop me an e-mail. Interested people only! I will come back to this...
  17. J

    A Transatlantic Crossing Aboard the QM2

    The New York to San Francisco segment of the QE2'S world cruise in January that I was going on,well because of some unforseen thing that I don't want to reveal,I had to cancel going aboard the QE2 next January.However I did book a roundtrip transatlantic crossing aboard the QM2 next July 6th...
  18. J

    Queen Mary 2 special to air on NBC owned & operated TV stations

    "Onboard Queen Mary 2-A Transatlantic Adventure will be broadcasted on several NBC owned & operated stations during this month of October.Some of the stations I have listed here are the NBC stations in New York,Los Angeles,Miami and Washington,D.C. just to name a few.You can read the article...
  19. J

    QE2 QM2 and QV together

    Amidst a great fanfare, the world's newest Cunarder, Queen Victoria, and the world's most famous ocean liner, Queen Elizabeth 2, will leave their homeport of Southampton on Sunday 6 January 2008 and head for New York at the start of their 2008 World Cruises. QE2, making her 804th Atlantic...
  20. T

    Queen Mary 2 at HamburgGermany

    Hello or "Moin Moin" as we say here! on Sunday the QM2 was here in Hamburg'. I take some pictures of her online. You can show them: http://www.lostliners.de/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t=358 hope you like the pictures! greetings from germany Thorsten Totzke www.LostLiners.de