queen mary 2

  1. John Clifford

    QUEEN MARY 2 Article

    See: http://www.nationalpost.com/travel/story.html?id=BCE66AEF-E3DA-43B6-B1C7-D864AD52F62B This is a link to an article in the Canadian National Post, about the Queen Mary 2. I was also notified that if this link does not work, then one can go to: http://www.nationalpost.com and proceed...
  2. J

    Queen Mary 2 Update

    I'm not sure if this is the case for any others here but recently the Cunard website has been down. So since I have not heard any updates in some time I was wondering if anyone else here has heard the latest news on the ship, along with any pictures? Also, anyone who has AOL may have seen the...
  3. John Clifford

    Queen Mary 2 Article

    Here's the link to an article, in today's new York Times, about the Queen Mary 2: http://www.nytimes.com/2003/06/27/business/worldbusiness/27SHIP.html ENJOY!!!
  4. T

    Queen Victoriathe planned sister for Queen Mary 2

    Its official, the next big ship to be built for Cunard/Carnival will be the Queen Victoria. I will be sure to make her maiden voyage, as Im missing the Qm2's maiden voyage.... Tarn Stephanos
  5. J

    Queen Mary 2 floated for the first time today

    Today for the first time the Queen Mary 2 was floated out of the building dock and was floated to the fitting out dock.Here is a website for anyone who wants to see the pictures of the QM2 floating for the first time...
  6. T

    New Advertisement in bVanity Fairb for the Queen Mary 2

    In the new issue of 'Vanity Fair' (with Jack Nicholson, Tom Cruise,Tom Hanks and Brad Pitt on the cover), there is a full page ad for the Queen Mary 2, and it suggests one can book now for the maiden voyage next year. How far along is the construction? Tarn Stephanos
  7. J

    Anybody reading this be aboard QE2 and QM2 on 42504

    On April 25,2004 both the Queen Elizabeth 2 and the Queen Mary 2 will both sail out of New York together.I will be aboard the QE2.Will anybody else reading this message be aboard the QE2 or QM2 on this date? Sincerely,Jerry Nuovo
  8. J

    A New Picture of QM2 under construction

    I did find this other picture of the QM2 under construction on the following website. It is www.thisishampshire.net/hampshire/southampton/shipping/SOTON_SHIPPING_NEWS0.html . Sincerely,Jerry Nuovo
  9. J

    Let's meet onboard the QM2

    Since it may be a little late to arrange for a get together in 2003, Why don't we arrange for a "Memories of the Titanic" Cruise next year on board the Queen Mary 2. We can dress up in Edwardian clothes and also recreate the menus from the Titanic in the Queen Mary 2's dining room. Anyone else...
  10. J

    QM2 Brochure

    I feel like an idiot asking this but here it goes...I just ordered a Queen Mary 2 brochure off the Cunard website. Now my question is is it free? Because no where on the ordering page do I see a price or credit card information. Has anyone else ordered this? Whats contained inside? Did it cost...
  11. J

    Your Thoughts on the QM2

    I started this thread to see everyones reactions to Cunard's (Carnival's) newest liner, The Queen Mary 2. I for one can't wait for the ship to begin operation. I think its about time for a shipping company to come out with a ship that looks somewhat like an old ocean liner then one that looks...
  12. J

    Queen Mary 2

    can i ask is the QM2 going to be the fastest and most luxurious ship in the world?can i ask does anyone know what her speed will be and tonnage?
  13. J

    Queen Mary 2 the grandest and most luxurious passenger ship ever to be built

    On Nov. 6, 2000, a contract was signed with a French company to build the 150,000 gross ton Queen Marry 2, for $780 million. It is purportedy the "grandest and most luxurious passenger ship ever to be built." A drawing of the ship is available for review at...