queen mary 2

  1. Dave Gittins

    Murdermanslaughter on Queen Mary 2

    http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/story/0,20867,19130926-1702,00.html Who be a captain?
  2. Jason D. Tiller

    Queen Mary 2 Titanic Historic Cruise

    I happened to stumble on this site and saw this: http://www.titanic-nautical.com/QM2-Titanic-Cruise.html It looks very interesting and I entered, although I probably won't win.
  3. J

    Anyone witness QM2 and QM1 together

    Hi all, Just wondering if anyone was aboard either ship as QM2 passed QM1. Look at these from the LA Times: http://www.latimes.com/media/photo/2006-02/22117629.jpg http://www.latimes.com/media/photo/2006-02/22117632.jpg Take a look at the first photo. People line the QM's decks...
  4. T

    Queen Mary 2 versus freak wave

    Hello everyone, I am new to this board. I have read alot of the threads and find these very informative. I am planning a transatlantic journey from Southampton to New York on the QM2. Being me, I always inventarise all possible risks. This is what brings me to freak waves. Can anyone...
  5. B

    QM2 Construction Photos

    Not sure if this is quite the place for it, but in researching QM2s propulsion arrangements, I came across this web site with lots if great photos- many from her building. http://www.worldshipny.com/qm2pt1.htm [Moderator's note: This post was in another thread in this subtopic, but has...
  6. John Clifford

    Queen Mary 2 Coming to Los Angeles

    Here's a link from the Cunard website: http://www.cunard.com/AboutCunard/NewsReleases.asp?Cat=&View=ViewArticle&Mode=News&ContentID=5497&Active=News This is a news release mentioning how on Wednesday, February 22nd, the Queen Mary 2 will arrive for the first time at the Port of Los Angeles...
  7. Ryan McKeefery

    QM2's Safety Features

    But does anyone know what type of safety features the Queen carries (ie, watertight compartments, double bottom and the like), or of any sites where I can gather this information? I recently acquired the Airfix model for £25.00 and painted everything below the plimsoll line in the wrong shade...
  8. John Clifford

    Around the World on the Queen Mary 2

    Here's the link to the news about the Around the World plans for the Queen Mary 2: http://www.cunard.com/AboutCunard/NewsReleases.asp?Cat=&View=ViewArticle&Mode=News&ContentID=5255&Active=News Included in the Itinerary is San Francisco, Pago Pago, Sydney, Auckland, and Athens, Paris, Rome...
  9. Jonathan Granato

    Why No Single Berth Cabins On QM2

    If this has been discussed before I'm culpable of reiteration. QEII has single berth staterooms in the 'Q' class, whilst QM2 has none. That means that if a passenger (or 'guest' as Cunnarn-ival refers to them) wishes to book a 'Q' class stateroom it can cost nearly 13K USD for a crossing...
  10. John Clifford

    Queen Mary 2 2006 Voyages

    Queen Mary 2 has already announced its early 2006 schedule: New York to Los Angeles, via Cape Horn, as well as some segments of that voyage. I'm looking forward to seeing the ship dock in Los Angeles, and will be aboard for a Hawaii Excursion; just need to convince four friends, including...
  11. C

    Queen Mary 2 The Birth of a Legend

    I recently bought this book by Philip Plisson and I think it's absolutely magnificent, even if it was a bit pricey. Any one else have thoughts on the book?
  12. Mary Hamric

    Obese passengers breaking seats on QM2

    Here is the link.... http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6661381/ What LARGE times we live in these days....
  13. T

    QM2 Welcomes the Coral Ridge Hour

    How is this for great news!? I watch a lot of TBN (Trinity Broadcasting Network)'s excellent array of fine programing... Only just this weekend, I learned that Evangelist, Dr. James Kennedy will be taking his The Coral Ridge Hour program on the Queen Mary 2, come next June 2005. They...
  14. Jonathan Granato

    QM2 Coffee Table Book by MaxtoneGraham

    Just checked this book out from the library. If you've seen the promo movie and possess the glossy brochure, I'd have a look at this new book before you shell out the dosh. Perhaps my expectations were high, but I'm pretty disappointed that the only pics of accommodations are the Royal...
  15. G


    This is an article I realized for ET. I'm an italian student, so I apologize you for possible mistakes of language: R.M.S. TITANIC VS QUEEN MARY 2: BATTLE BETWEEN GIANTS! Copyrights 2004 by Gaetano Anania The sinking of R.M.S. Titanic was an hard stroke for Naval Engineering of the...
  16. C

    Catch ya On the bow bulb of QM2

    I found this in a yahoo group about 2 people of the bulb of the QM2 while she was in Norway. Heres a link to the image: http://www.vg.no/bilder/bildarkiv/1090131200.81268.jpg
  17. J

    Visiting the QM2

    On Thursday, I plan on going into New York City to view the QM2 while she is berthed for the day. I have a few questions though. How close can you actually get to the ship? What is the best viewing areas? Also, when the ship begins to pull away from the dock, is there any kind of celebration of...
  18. Dave Gittins

    QM2 fails to meet regulations

    QM2 is in strife over fire regulations. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/3837063.stm Anybody still want to build a Titanic replica?
  19. John Clifford

    Another Queen Mary 2 Article

    In the May 31st edition of "The New Yorker", on page 39, is an article by Simon Schama, entitled "Sail Away". Mr. Schama talks about his experience on the westbound crossing. The article is on page 39. It also includes an unusual painting by Ralph Stedman (deried on a comparison of the QM2...
  20. 1

    Queen Mary 2 what do you think

    Just wondering what people thought of this new Queen Mary 2. It seems to me that they’ve made a monstrosity to pack as many people in as possible. But having said that is there really such a huge market out there to fill such a mammoth ship ? Someone said I’d be surprised. But for me going on...