recovered bodies

  1. E

    The Dead Might Have More To Say....

    As technology for probing the Titanic's debris field becomes more precise and sophisticated, Do you think clothing from some of the already disintegrated bodies might be identified and reveal the owner, or possibly contain further valuable information/insight (as in diaries, notebooks, letters...
  2. C

    Can anybody offer any help

    Have been told that I have a great, great uncle who went down on the Titanic, All I know is he was on his way to Canada as a Mountie, no body knows his name or if he had come home on holiday or if this was his first trip there. All we do know is he was my gran-dads Smiths uncle on my dads side...
  3. G

    Why were so few victims found at the surface?

    Well you also have to assume that a certain percentage did go down with the ship. They remained inside and when the ship sank they went with her.
  4. L

    Why were so few bodies found?

    I just finished studying all the passenger lists and so many of the passengers are listed as "died in the sinking. Body not found". I was wondering why these bodies were not found. Could it be that they were still trapped inside the ship when it went down. Also I noticed that a number of women...
  5. H

    Henry Allen (fireman)

    I am a descendant of Henry Allen (not to be confused with William Henry Allen, a 3rd class passenger). I have managed to piece together some of his story and that of his widow and 7 orphaned children. I was also lucky enough to be able to visit his grave in Halifax last week....possibly the...
  6. angeline2011

    Condition of bodies inside the ship

    I just wondered, i assume there were bodies that went to the bottom with the ship (as pairs of shoes were found in the debris field). would those bodies have shrunk/crushed with the water pressure immediatley? poor souls :(
  7. J

    Body 328

    "328 Female - Estimated age, 14. Height, 4 ft. 6 in. Weight, 80 To 85 lbs. Hair, golden brown. Marks, very dark skin, refined features. Buried at Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Halifax, N. S. Wore lace, trimmed red and black overdress; black underdress; green striped underskirt; black woolen shawl...
  8. M

    Recovered bodies of children

    I was just wondering: why is it that so many bodies of adults were found, but only 3 of children? Could it have been because the children weren't wearing lifejackets or something? I read somewhere that all the recovered bodies had lifejackets on, except for Sidney Goodwin, who was an exception...
  9. G

    William Cheverton

    I am trying to establish the specific day in June (1912) the Ilford picked up Cheverton's body.
  10. A

    Montmagny's Recovered Bodies

    Does anyone have the body records for the victims recovered by the Montmagny?
  11. C

    Anybody Still alive today to tell about bOld Reliableb

    It, in a way, seems highly doubtful, but I wonder sometimes if there are any who still remember clearly seeing, working on, or recall affiliating with the RMS Olympic? Anybody have any help for me?
  12. P

    Body # 237possible ID

    Could # 237 "F.H' estimated age 20 have been plate Steward "F. Hopkins" age 16?
  13. P

    Victim #76

    Body # 76 "Ethel"-looked over passenger listing-saw at least 2 "Ethels" But both survived. "etheL" name misread? Any ideas of ID? [Moderator's Note: This message, originally posted in an unrelated topic, has been moved to the one which is discussing unidentified victims. JDT]
  14. P

    Victim #105 - Branko Dakic?

    Body # 105 "B.D." Mr. Branko Dakic ? [Moderator's Note: This message, originally posted in an unrelated topic, has been moved to the one which is discussing unidentified victims. JDT]
  15. P

    Victim #39 - Evening Dress Clue

    Possibly Benjamin Guggenheim valet? [Moderator's Note: This message, originally posted in an unrelated topic, has been moved to the one which is discussing unidentified victims. JDT]
  16. P

    Victim #26

    Was the "Cowes" address refer to a hotel? If he was a cook would He had a"Brass Apron Clip". Yet he had a "white Steward Coat". Could he have been employed as a WAITER-did waiters have a cloth apron clip after carrying a cloth under the tray?
  17. P

    Unknown 28 Sleiman Attala

    Unknown # 28 had a Table ticket from Ottawa Canada Several passengers resident of Canada-but only one from Ottawa....
  18. M

    Condition of bodies after the descent

    Please do not think me sick or weird for asking this, but in what kind of condition would the human body be once it hit the ocean floor? We always here the pressure down there is "bone crushing" and I was wondering if that was literal. There's no real way to ask this nicely...I've tried to...
  19. A

    Jacob Christian Milling

    I was wondering if anyone would be able to point me to where I could possibly find more information on Jacob Christian Milling, a 2nd class Danish passenger who was on his way to Oregon Wisconsin where he had been previously employed?
  20. G

    Titanic bodies recovered 337

    I propose that a total of 337 Titanic bodies were "plucked from the sea" ship: MacKay-Bennett 306, Minia 17, Montmagny 4, Algerine 1, Ilford 1, Oceanic 3, Ottawa 1, and Carpathia 4