recovered bodies

  1. M

    Unidentified bodies of lost children

    The bodies n°68 (male, aged 2), n°101 (female, aged 3), n°121 (female, aged 1), n°185 (male, aged 4), n°221 (male, aged 6), n°222 (male, aged1), n°225 (female, aged 4-5 months) and n°240 (female, baby) were bodies of children. Were they ever identified? Are people trying to find out who...
  2. Dave Gittins

    Body recovered from 2900 meteres down

    This may be a record. A joint Australian/US operation has recovered the remains of an Australian soldier lost in a helicopter accident in the Pacific.,20867,21333360-2702,00.html As a footnote, those interested in the search for HMAS Sydney...
  3. C

    Other ships that picked up Titanic bodies

    CS Minia The Anglo-American Telegraph Company's CS Minia was chartered on 21 April and went to sea the following day under the command of W.E.S. DeCarteret, with undertaker H.W. Snow and the Rev. H.W. Cunningham (rector, Anglican Parish of St. George, Brunswick Street, Halifax) aboard. The...
  4. C

    The bodies recoved by the CS MackayBennett

    I was looking around the Nova Scotia archives and found this manifest of a comprehensive list of all of the names of all of the bodies that were picked up by the Mackay-Bennett on 4-17-1912. Thought it might be of interest to some...
  5. P

    Body #193 - African Royal Mail

    #193 unknown. Had on a button reading "African Royal Mail". Does this indicate:? 1) #193 had worked on the "African Royal Mail Line" ? Any members of this line transfer to Titanic and come close to description?
  6. E

    Personal Bodyguards

    Is it known whether any of the passengers had personal bodyguards? Many of the first class passengers were of considerable wealth (Astor, anyone?) so I have to wonder whether any protection travelled along with them on the ship.
  7. L

    Somebody to blame

    in the 1997 film when the ship slows down and looks like its about to stop before it hits the ice berg that man pushes the lad out of the way and makes titanic going forward could this be sneaky way of blaming some one [Moderator's note: This thread was in another topic, but has been moved...
  8. T

    Anybody In S California

    Hi I was wondering if anybody else lived in the S. Calif area. I live in Orange County. It would be fun to get a group together.
  9. Ryan McKeefery


    Hi! Does anyone know whether any bodies were recovered by the Carpathia? I have doubt that the crew would have bothered for the sake of the bereaved, but I do remember reading from several sources some years ago that a few bodies were brought aboard. I require such information for my book, so...
  10. S

    Where the Straus bodies

    one of my titanic books said ida and her husband went down with the ship? is this true Title of book: eyewitness books titanic
  11. B

    Mortician Reports on Recovered Bodies

    I remember seeing a passage in a book during a visit to the Titanic museum in Massachusetts that morticians in Nova Scotia wrote reports on the recovered bodies from the Titanic. Medical professionals are very thorough and detail-oriented. I wonder: What kind of documentation about the...
  12. R

    Alternate traces of bodies on the seafloor besides boots and shoes

    Hey all, just wondering...we're all familiar with the pairs of shoes and boots lying on the sea-bed around Titanic, marking the spots where Titanic's dead eventually came to rest...Have any other personal objects besides foot attire been found? I realise that clothing and other such...
  13. P

    McElroy's body wearing white steward's jacket

    I was reading "The Irish Aboard the Titanic" last night and was surprised to learn that Purser McElroy's body was wearing a white steward's jacket when found! I though he would have been wearing his darker coat, especially since he was seen outside a lot that night. Cheers Paul
  14. C


    I think we are underestimating what a fantastic machine the human body is. It can endure a lot. What about those poor students on that Japanese trawler that was broken in two by the sub? They were able to recover the bodies long long after the accident. And they were not bones either but actual...
  15. X

    Happy New Year Everybody

    Good evening people. Once my gang has finished celebrating our pub crawl around Romsey, we're planning to rush down and head towards Southampton Docks, and watch the massive firework display. That's if we're lucky in finding a parking space near the waterfront. Knowing me, once I've...
  16. M

    Purser McElroy's Body Buried at Sea

    I was wondering why Chief Purser McElroy's body was buried at sea and not sent to his family. It seems that a high ranking crew member such as the chief purser would have been given back to his relatives. I know that Walter Lord had McElroy on his list of possible suicides but there was no...
  17. L

    Body 1

    I can`t believe victim body #1 belongs to young Walter John Van Billiard.(9) Why would he have Danish coins in his pockets, when he was travelling from England ? Plus, the handkerchief marked "A" . However, based on these facts, I do believe that child`s body might be either Clarence Gustaf...
  18. S

    Recovered Belongings From bodies

    Does any one know what happened to the thousands of personal belongings from the unidentified bodies recovered from the sea... Shane...
  19. Dave Gittins

    Old Liner Custom: Throwing Streamers

    In the years after WW II, I remember an old custom in Australia and probably in Britain. When a liner was about to sail, the passengers used to throw long paper ribbons to their friends on the wharf and vice versa. The ribbons were in tight little rolls and were heavy enough to carry a fair...
  20. H

    The identities of the unidentified bodies

    I have this question in my mind.. Have anyone used the DNA testings to identify the unknown bodies in recent years?? - Hydie