titanic books

  1. T

    For sale Logan Marshall 1912 Titanic book red spine version

    I am selling off some of my extra duplicate Titanic books. Logan Marshall's 1912 book 'The Sinking of The titanic and Great Sea disasters' is an amazing common book- however this 1912 edition I'm selling, with the red feaux spine and corners and marbled edges is hard to find. This copy is in vg...
  2. T

    Titanic books for teachers that includes various lesson plan ideas

    I am working towards my teaching licence- And although I've been a Titanic buff for 27 years, I could use some ideas on incorperating the Titanic into a classroom lesson plan. Is there a 'Titanic book for teachers' , that offers different lesson plan ideas for teaching students the tale of...
  3. T

    What is the most treasured Titanic book in your collection

    A question for Titanic bibliophiles- what is the most treasured Titanic book in your collection? What book is your 'baby'? My Jack Thayer is tops., closely followed by my Lightoller and walker books- but i love my Thayer- I affixed a fragment of Titanic lifejacket material on the inside...
  4. A

    The very best Titanic book

    In my opinion, Titanic, An Illustrated History is by far the best Titanic book written in the last twenty years. No other book has come near it for style and presentation and I doubt ever will. Lynch's text is unbiased, informative and to the point while Marshall's wonderful paintings...
  5. M

    Titanic Book of the Year Award for 2005

    The Titanic Book of the Year Award© for the best book published in 2005 goes to: http://www.titanicbooksite.com/book_of_the_year_award.html Congratulations! all the best, Michael (TheManInBlack) T
  6. T

    Pictures of Titanic book covers needed for Michael's booksite

    Michael, are there any Titanic books whose covers are not yet represented in pictures on your Titanic book site? Perhaps this forum could be a way buffs could contact you and send you jpegs of certian book covers. Plus you could give us the word of which Titanic book covers you want sent to...
  7. K

    Titanic book The Good The Bad The Ugly

    Good: The ship itself, the sets, costumes, the cast Bad: Love story could've been done better, bad screenplay, bad dialogue, so many goofs and inaccuracies, characters could've been portray a lot better Ugly: Haters who can't justify why they hate the movie, Leo-mania back in '97-98...
  8. P

    New Titanic Book coming out soon Titanic a Date to Remember by Howard Nelson

    see here: http://www.swsalvors.com/swtitanic.htm and: http://www.titanicadatetoremember.com/
  9. M

    Starting Titanic book

    I started a Titanic book but i scraped what i had cause it wasnt coming together and i dont know if this is the right section to post this but im looking for pointers and tips on starting a titanic based book and the courses of publishing it and marketing it. Thanks in advance
  10. T

    Pre 1955 Titanic books with those elusive dust jackets

    A gem in my Titanic book collection is the 1935 "Titanic and Other ships" by c.h Lightoller, with a very rare intact dust jacket. Most copies that pop up are missing the dj. The 1912 Loss of the Titanic' by Lawrence Beesley had a dust jacket- Ive seen only one, on a copy that sold on Ebay...
  11. T

    My planned Titanic book what do you think

    Scores of Titanic books have been written, many telling the same story over and over again at nausiem... I intend to write a book about Titanic, appraoching it from a somewhat different angle- The book will be about the experience of being a lifelong Titanic buff, with a passion for...
  12. P

    Very early Titanic novels

    Hello, I have been wondering about early fictional accounts of the Titanic disaster, or early Titanic novels if you will. Two novels about the disaster appeared in Scandinavia within the year 1912 and they are fascinating in that they were written so soon after the disaster, but does...
  13. M

    Titanic Books 2004 the Year in Review

    Here they are - the books of 2004, the good, the bad, and the ungainly: http://www.titanicbooksite.com/article_books2004.html Happy Reading! Michael (TheManInBlack) T
  14. M

    Titanic Book of the Year Award for 2004

    The Titanic Book of the Year Award© for the best book published in 2004 goes to: Titanic and Olympic, The Truth Behind the Conspiracy, by Steve Hall & Bruce Beveridge. The author’s made use of the latest photographic enhancement techniques to examine original photographs of Olympic and...
  15. Steven Hall

    Titanic book Danish children's book

    Anyone heard of this book. "A Danish children's book about the Titanic, published by a Copenhagen department store in 1920. In the story, a boy and girl survive the sinking and end up on a deserted island where they have many adventures."...
  16. C

    Favorite Titanic Books

    Admittedly I have'nt read every Titanic book out there but my 2 very favorite books are Don Lynch's Titanic An Illustrated History and Paul Quinn's Titanic At 2 AM. Both very well written, illustrated and researched.Anyone else have a favorite that stands out from the others?
  17. M

    Inaccuracy of Titanic books

    Have you ever wanted to just SCREAM at the top of your lungs when you see a part of a Titanic book that is wrong and misleading, informing people with the wrong information? I recently read a book that was so full of inaccuracies that I questioned the whole book. I'm not talking about old books...
  18. T

    What is THE Titanic book that would make your collection complete

    Many hardcore Titanic bibliophiles are after one very elusive volume, the aquisition of which would complete thier Titanic book collection. W hat are you after? A Shipbuilders? A Lightoller? A Thayer? For me, its "An Unsinkable Titanic" by J Bernard walker, 1912. regards tarn...
  19. T

    Finding 1st edition Titanic books with the dustjackets intact

    Im the type of Titanic book collector that must have 1st edition hardcovers, fitted with the original intact dustjacket. The books "Titanic and Ohter Ships" by CH Lightoller "Sos To the Rescue" by Karl Baarslag "Loss Of The Titanic" by lawrence Beesley (1929 Nautilus Library edition)...
  20. J

    Titanic Book Wish List

    I Just Figured I'd Put This in Here. It's A Short List of Book of Which I Am Looking For and Which Are Proving Very hard to Find. Anyone Who Knows Where I can Find a Copy of any of These books or has an extra they'd like to Sell please Contact me at: [email protected] or send me a private...