Lightoller Memorial

Inger Sheil

Following hard on the heels of the unveiling of the new Moody memorial plaque in Scarborough earlier this year, and anticipating another memorial commemorating one of the Titanic's deck officers that will hopefully be announced shortly, comes word from Richmond of recognition at last for the Titanic's senior surviving officer.

Lack of a memorial for Charles Lightoller has often been cause for comment - I've been out to Mortlake Cemetery and photographed the rose garden where his ashes were scattered, but it's not quite the same.

On June 30th the Sundowner was brought up to serve as a backdrop for the ceremony last week at Richmond's Rag Ragatta where, in the presence of the Mayor of Richmond and many members of the Lightoller family, the plaque was unveiled.

I hope to be out there soon to photograph the plaque - just heard about this today from a friend who lives locally.

It should be a source of some gratification to those with an interest in Lightoller and the Titanic to finally see a form of recognition for this remarkable individual.
It's good to know that Lightoller is being kindly remembered by the folks in the places that knew him best. It's a shame they tore the Ducks Walk house down-- and thanks, Ing, for showing me the picture of it-- but at least there's the Sundowner, and now the plaque.

Pat W
Hallo Pat -

Yes, it's a terrible shame that they tore the house down. This was over the objections of local residents, I might add, who were well aware of the site's significance and who I understand campaigned to save it.
Amen! At last some overdue recognition to this extraordinary individual! If anyone deserves medals and accolades it was CH Lightoller. I am also incensed at his shabby treatment at the hands of the White Star Line in later years. If it weren't for his coolness under pressure (even Captain Smith had no idea what to do during the crisis), the loss of life would have been more horrendous than it was. Can you tell me who was present, please for this occasion? You know me by now, constantly snooping in the Lightoller keyhole. What does the Sundowner look like now?
Hello, all

On the second try in as many years, I finally got a reply from Michael Hunt, chief curator of the East Kent Maritime Trust, as to whether the clock removed by Lightoller from the Oceanic's bridge was still on the Sundowner Unfortunately, it is not. Mr. Hunt believes that it may have been taken out by Sylvia Lightoller, when she sold the boat in 1964, but indicates that no one really knows what has become of it.

Pat W
G'day Pat -

While it's disappointing to know the Lightoller clock has left the Sundowner, it would be nice to think it was still somewhere with the Lightoller family.

Just hope it hasn't vanished into some private collection.

Lightoller's farewell to his old ship, after having gone through the sensation of feeling it break under him when she was run aground, is one of the most poignant passages in TAOS.
Good to hear that there is now a Lightoller memorial - and interesting to see that it is in my home state. I had no idea that the Sundowner still existed. That is very cool.
This is great that finally there is a Lightoller memorial. It's about time he received some recongnition for what he did, and I agree with Sharon's post.

Thanks for letting us know Inger, and thanks to Patricia for posting those pictures of the Sundowner. I never knew she still existed either, and she looks like she is in wonderful condition.

Best regards,

It is very satisfying to see Lights get his due.
From Titanic to Dunkirk and beyond, he was a true mariner.
It is a shame that by association with Ismay at the hearings that he did not receive the recognition he deserved for the part he played that awful night.

AMEN to that!!! Sylvia was supposed to be so bitter about the way the White Star Line ignored her husband in later years and it was she who made Lights quit the sea. Even when he was leaving some flunky said" Oh you are leaving are you? Well good by." Tacky, tacky tacky.