Charles Lightoller

Can anybody tell me when Charles Lightoller's children are born? And do you have got any pictures of them? I have got one, but I like to get more. And Sylvia Lightoller pictures too.

I hope i get information of these questions, and don't wonder my bad English, I'm from Finland.

Thanks very much!
Hanna, if you look at the thread "Roger Lightoller's Birthdate", you'll find a partial answer for the boys, at least. For a nice picture of three Lightoller kids, look here:

And yes, the one in the middle is Dad. Big kid, and never got over it!

For some older pictures of Sylvia, look at:

Patrick Stenson's Titanic Voyager contains pictures of the young Sylvia, and one of the two daughters, Mavis and Doreen, and Brian, the youngest son.

Pat W.
I am on search for the relatives of Charles Herbert Lightoller. Does anybody knows where they lives? I want to use a part of a speech of Lightoller and so I need the permission of the relatives. Has anybody an idea where I could find them?

Ursula, a couple of people on this board have had contacts with some of the Lightollers, most notably with C.H. Lightoller's grandchildren. Give them time to reply, if they are willing.

I have heard that his grandson can be either very gracious or very cranky when contacted by Titanic enthusiasts.

Pat W.
Hallo Ursula -

I've had contact with a couple of members of the Lightoller family, who have been very gracious and helpful. I'm a bit reluctant to pass on personal details out of respect for their privacy. Are you looking at using material from one of the BBC interviews? It might be best to contact them in the first instance.
I could understand that. I'm working for a German publisher who publishes audio books. For this time we work together with a big publisher for encyclopaedias. That's all what I could say about this project at that time.
I don't know whether it was an interview with the BBC. But you can find it on a CD of the British Library.
Hey, someone could give me information about lightoller´s half siblings? I read he wrote a half-sister in WWII and he met a half-nephew who was serving in UK...
I haven't had any connections with the Lightoller Family.
But here is a bit of trivia for "Titanic" movie fans.
There is a scene in the 1953 "Titanic" in which he is shown plotting the locations of icebergs on an ocean chart. (Portrayed by Edmund Purdom)