LightollerBoxhall photos

Decisions, decisions. Put a new roof on the house, or bid on the above? These are some beautiful items. Fiona N. and Bonnie-Lynn N. will surely recognize the name of Richard Foster as the seller, so this is all definitely legitimate material, if it wasn't obvious from the sampling.

It's one thing to salivate over a $200 book, but when an offering of this type comes along, it seperates the first class bidders from we steerage folk in a hurry, doesn't it? You want to form a consortium? You raise the money, and I'll handle the bidding. If only I could have won our big Lotto last week. Then I wouldn't have to cut you in like this. NOI.
A great posting! Wish I had the money, but I'll have to smile at someone else's fortune on this one!
Thanks, Diane. I figured, even though most of us can't afford the thing at least its a chance to see the photos before they pass, possibly, back into obscurity (Although that Boxhall photo, with him looking through the life ring, has been used before).

To borrow from Carroll (Dodgson) A cat may look at a king.

By the way, I'm still looking for a long version for "S O S Titanic" for you.

Best regards,
You are right in that a cat may look at a king and I love the expression (thanks Carroll Dodgson). I have never seen any of the photos before, do you remember where you saw the one of Boxhall looking through the lifering? Some person will be very lucky indeed although I hate the thought of them "passing back into obscurity".
Thanks for keeping an eye out for the long version of SOS Titanic! Did our friend win the Ebay copy? I hope so! I saw it get quite high and then forgot to look back at it again!
I recall the Boxhall-through-the-lifering photo being used that 1994 A&E Documentary, Titanic: Death of a Dream. I always wondered when that picture was taken.
Oh my God, I just checked eBay and couldn't believe my eyes... Ran over here to tell you about it but here you are already

What a find... I felt like fainting when I just saw it. I hadn't known any of the photos before.

Many regards
We're here thanks to Cook! (Thanks again Cook!) I hadn't seen any of these photos before, either! Aren't they grand? I wish that I was the "king" instead of the "cat" (as Cook so aptly put it) right now!
I still agree that if we all kick in our allowences and ask mom & dad for a week or two advance, that we can buy 'em together!!!! Come on Cook. Get us organized!!
I wish I could buy the thing myself - however, until this came up, I didn't know there WAS $5000.00!

As far as organizing this group, Phil Hind has been trying to do that for YEARS!

Best regards all around,