LightollerBoxhall photos

Colleen - Don't tell me you managed to lure Jeff away from his Diet Coke...?? He did indeed get safely home, and has posted some photos from his Californian trip (not sure if it's on the Greatships Site or not). The Boxhall photo is a general favourite - would be interesting to know if it's the same copy used in the doco a few years back, or one of a series (I noted that Bell was also photographed in the same pose).

Pat - I'm still keen on tracking down the current whereabouts of the 'other' Oceanic album, if only because I have a better shot at identifying some of the subjects now. One thing that one WSL officer's album revealed - the sheer monotony of the war at sea. Brief spells of action, interspersed by long periods of patrolling, escorting and zigzagging. You knew the compiler had run out of photographic subjects when he took to photographing the ship's wake and wash (but then again, if it was good enough for Father Brown...).

~ Ing
Inger: Sorry about the late post. I usually work on weekends. No, Jeff stuck with his diet coke. Wait.. did he have an ice tea at lunch??? I think he did. does that count?!?! ha ha.
I have faith that you will track down what you seek. Give it time and persistence!
Sincerely. Colleen
Not a problem, Colleen - I've been a bit flat out this weekend myself, and pretty much away from the keyboard. Not sure if iced tea counts, but will seek to find a way to use it against Jeff (Jeff's a great sport - one of the few who can spend the better part of a morning needling me about my salvage views and get away with it).

The fact that there are at least two albums connected with the "Oceanic" compiled by her officers gives me hope that there may be more for WSL ships circulating in private collections. Moody was, in his earlier career at least, interested in photography - I've often wondered if he had his camera and albums with him on the "Titanic". Sadly I suspect that they may have been lost.

~ Inger