Sebastiano and Argene Del Carlo


I have been trying to locate my family on to which is of Italian descent. most of my family here in America has passed away, and I never had I chance to know our family stories. I believe I might be related to Argene Genovesi (Del Carlo. my family comes from Sicily...the Polizzi/Tripoli and Craffase family. we are also related to de Carlos and Genovesi...of this sound familiar or you have info please e-mail me. thank you
[email protected]
Where are you located in the USA? Mrs. Del Carlo reportedly had a sister in Fresno, California, but I do not know her married name. Both Argene Genovesi and Sebastiano del Carlo came from northern Italy, however.
Del Carlo / Genovesi come from Lucca, Tuscany; impossible connection, there where no sicilians on Titanic; Southern Italian people back then take steamers from Naples or Genoa.