Survivors who survived other ship wrecks

Lucy Duff Gordon, nee Sutherland, survived a shipwreck at the age of 11-12 with her mother, Mrs. David Kennedy, and sister Elinor when sailing from the Isle of Jersey to England in about 1875. I have never known the name of the ship so would love it if someone could help me with that. All that I know about this accident comes from Lucy's and her sister's autobiographies. The ship was caught in a ferocious storm while still in the Channel Islands and was wrecked on the Casquet Rocks near Guernsey (sp?). It's bow lodged in the rocks, it gradually began breaking apart and sinking. I don't know if there were heavy casualties but a good number of passengers were taken off the ship by fishing vessels that had come to their rescue.
Hi Andrew,

Henry Sleeper Harper suvived the grounding and subsequent sinking of a vessel (not named).

Charles Duane Williams was aboard the Arizona when it collided with an iceberg.

Norman Campbell Chambers would survive a second accident at sea when the Vestris caught fire.

Harry Markland Molson swam away from the sinking of the Scotsman in the Gulf of St. Lawrence in 1899, and in 1904 swam to shore when the Canada collided with a collier in the St. Lawrence River near Sorel.

Hope this helps,

Second Officer Lightoller survived 4 wrecks, beginning with the sailing vessel Holt Hill in 1889. This was followed by the Titanic, then another White Star liner, the Oceanic in 1914, and finally the destroyer Falcon which he commanded during WW1.


I believe Edith Rosenbaum Russell, though she was surely prone to exaggeration, was probably correct at least on the basic facts of her stories of the Olympic and Majestic incidents. I understand that she was booked (but canceled her passage) on another ship that supposedly blew up in La Havre or Cherbourg (?) but I don't have the details on that yet.

I forgot to mention that Lucy Duff Gordon was aboard the St. Paul in November 1916 when it encountered very stormy seas. She sat in her cabin with her life-jacket beside her and refused to lay down in bed at night, opting to sleep upright in a chair. You can imagine what memories haunted her through that vigil.

Dear Randy,

I have a newspaper clipping in which she
gave an interview in the 1970's sometime.
In it, she claims that she had a premonition
which caused her to cancel her passage on
the General Chanzy which went down off
Minorca killing 200 passengers. She added
that the same feeling came over her as she
prepared to sail on what we all know as
the last voyage of the Lusitania. The
article is entitled: "Through every disaster
except the plague and a husband".

Please contact me if you want the full

Best Regards,

Happy New Year!

Brian M

Well thank you so much.

"...In it, she claims that she had a premonition
which caused her to cancel her passage on
the General Chanzy which went down off
Minorca killing 200 passengers..."

Boy, I got that story botched up! But you can't blame me - it was that screwball Geoff who mentioned it to me! And I knew nothing of the Lusitania connection. I have to wonder about that one, though. I have her "Women's Wear Daily" columns from that time and she mentions absolutely nothing about it! Edy and more of her tall tales? Hmmm...I'll be in touch ASAP.

And Happy New Year to you too.

Crew Survivor Harry Yearsley survived the sinking of the Braemar Castle which was torpedoed in the Mediterranean Sea in November 1916.


with regards to randy bighams paragraph about lucy duff gordons unfortunate incident with a ship in the waters off the channel islands i think your refering to a vessel named the STELLA she was and still is locally known as the titanic of the channel islands[im from jersey channel islands]she went down after hitting rocks off alderney locally known as the ''casquets'' in march 1899 about 100 lost their lives regards' roger
Afraid it wasn't the "Stella" Roger,I have her passenger list and they don't appear on it - besides which, 1899 was far too late. The Stella is a fascinating story though isn't it?

Which wreck was that, Joan? What was the ship's name?

Lowe was aboard a ship involved in a collision during his pre-Titanic career, but that was before he went on the West African run (before he had gained his Second Mate's certification) and was a v. minor affair altogether.
No clue, actually, just relaying what I was told by Dan Butler some four or five years back. Only heard that it had happened, not details. He'd be the one to ask in such case.