Survivors who survived other ship wrecks

I suspect Dan is mistaken - perhaps he was thinking of Pitman, who was involved in a shipwreck (which he described as a minor affair).

I have a complete record of Lowe's ships from the time he joined the Titanic all the way back to a Welsh schooner so obscure it doesn't appear in Lloyds, although it turns up in port records. (The earliest vessel I can place him on predates the ships Lowe used as his usual record of service in official documentation - he only started logging his sea time in 1900). The collision I referred to above, although it did bring about young A.B. Harold Lowe's first experience with giving evidence at a BOT inquiry, resulted in only very minor damage to the ships involved. None of these pre-Titanic ships sank, and Lowe's son had no such recollection of his father being involved in any major shipping incident before the Titanic came along.

No clue, actually, just relaying what I was told by Dan Butler some four or five years back. Only heard that it had happened, not details. He'd be the one to ask in such case.

LOL! Maybe he heard it from the delightful Ms Russell? ;) She's such a card and seemingly not too hung up on spoiling a good story with a few facts.

Thanks for clearing up her shipwreck record, Brian. I've heard extracts of an interview with her where she's mentioned 'every disaster
except the plague and a husband'. From what I'd read/heard I really thought there was another shipwreck (or three) in the mix, so it's good to know for sure. Again, I curse the person who decided her memoirs would be of no interest...

Not passengers, but there were a few other ex-Titanic men on Oceanic other than Lightoller and Blair, from what I've read. On the other hand, I'm scrabbling for names so could be completely wrong - Inger? Someone? Others from Titanic's crew survived other 'wrecks' - battles and sinkings - in WWI. Sadly, some didn't too, including one man on whom I'm hoping to put a considerably expanded ET biog note sometime. Suppose they still had another three or so years than most of their colleagues.

Re: Violet Jessop... you probably already know this but this remarkable lady was also working on the Olympic when she collided with (I think) The Hawke, although I know neither ship was actually wrecked. Anyway, she was on all three of these fabulous ships during their times of high drama.
To add to the information, Henry Sleeper Harper survived the sinking of a vessel.
I read in the :St-Louis Post-Dispatch, Tuesday evening, April 16, 1912 { I have a copy} : "Ten years ago {so in 1902}he had a narrow escape from shipwreck when a ship on which he was a passenger collided with an iceberg off New-Foundland."