Death of Lillian Asplund 19062006

Very sad to hear this news. Its a shame she never cared to share her story because unfortunately, so little was ever known about the Asplund family. However, with that being said, her wishes to be left alone and not talk about the disaster was what she wanted and I am glad that people honored that wish.
A very sad thing. I like to think she is looking down on the garden she loved so much and enjoyed working in and is smiling. May she rest in peace.
I like to think that perhaps Miss Asplund chronicled her thoughts and experience, with a provision that it be published post-humously.
If not, then her family's story is one that will never be published from a first-hand viewpoint. However, if that is how she wanted it, then it is something we will have to accept.

My thought is that she is now reunited with her family, in the presence of Our Lord.
Rest In Peace, Lillian.
Sad about Lillian the whole cycle has now turned for the family - please see the 1913 Red Cross report below:

I did inform Millvina Dean of the news and she was also very sad. I advised Millvina to take her phone off the hook if she did not want to be bothered by the media. She said she was quite fit and sounded very chirpy.

(From: Mansion House Titanic Relief Fund Booklet, March 1913)
Number P. 114. Asplund. Widow, two children and mother received a grant of £150.
Farmer from Sweden, returning from visit to relatives. Aged 40 years, born 7th May 1871.
(From The Emergency and Relief booklet by the American Red Cross, 1913).
Case number 23. (Swedish). The husband and the three eldest children, aged 13, 9 and 5 years, were drowned. The wife and the two younger children, aged 5 and 3 years, were saved. This family were returning from a visit to Sweden. The husband, a wire worker, earning $25 a week had lived in this country for eighteen years and all of his children were born here. They had with them all of their possessions, including clothing, household furniture, and cash amounting to $700. The parents of both husband and wife live in Sweden. The wife, who has two sisters in a Massachusetts city, with her two younger children is making her home with one of them. She is 38 years of age, has been in frail health for some years, and suffered severely from shock and exposure. The body of the husband was recovered and, with the assistance of the representative of this Committee in Halifax, was shipped to his home for burial. At this time, the Committee sent $200 to the widow to cover burial and incidental expenses. The citizens of his home town raised a fund amounting to $2,000, and this has been placed in the hands of trustees. From other relief sources she has received $2,272.41, making a total of $4,272.41, exclusive of the appropriation of this Committee, which has been placed in charge of the local Associated Charities, to be administered in co-operation with the trustees of the other funds.
Awarded $2,700.

Best regards - Brian J. Ticehurst - Southampton UK.
I just got a newsletter telling of her death. So sad

RIP Lillian Gertrud Asplund.

Sad news

Does this mean that there is absolutely noone alive today who remember seeing Titanic before she sank? What a sad feeling.

I have e-mailed all the big newspapers here in Sweden were Lillian was born about the sad news.

RIP Lillian.
>>Does this mean that there is absolutely noone alive today who remember seeing Titanic before she sank?<<

Not from among the passengers and crew. The only two survivors left...Winnifred Quick Von Tongerloo and Melvina Dean were too young to have any memories of the ship at all. The late John Parkinson was one of the few remaining who had seen the ship departing Belfast Lough after her trials. (His father had worked at the shipyard.) If anyone remains with a living memory of the ship, they had to have been fairly young children at the time.
Miss Asplund passed away at home.Funeral services will be held Wednesday, May 10, at 2 p.m., in Nordgren Memorial Chapel, 300 Lincoln St., Worcester. For directions and the on-line guestbook, you may visit
Burial will be in the family plot at the Old Swedish Cemetery, now called All Faiths.
Her obituary in today's Worcester Telegram mentions her surviving cousins,(Carlson) and her employment until 1971 as clerk for the State Mutual Life Insurance Co.
Michael, I think you're partly mistaken in that the 2 remaining survivors are Mellvina Dean and Barbara (West) Dainton. Winifred (Quick) Von Tangerloo died on 4th July 2002. Just to set the record straight.
They are 1pm in Buenos Aires ARGENTINA and I find out to me the death of this dear person. Single I hope that Lilian finally can rest peacefully.
VERY Very sad I take leave
Yes, this is very sad news indeed. Lillian sounds as if she lived a long and full life. My condolences to her family and her. With her passes the last American survivor and the last memory of the ship from a survivor. Rest in peace.

Kind regards,