Death of Lillian Asplund 19062006

There is a wonderful photo of Miss Asplund in younger days in the Worcester Telegram today. Except for a wealth of thick silvery hair, she looked very much the same in her 90's, with a remarkably smooth and rosy complexion.
You may access the obituary and a larger view of the photograph. It is particularly poignant that Miss Asplund passed away on the same day, May 6, of her father's memorial service and burial in the Old Swedish cemetery after his body was recovered and shipped to Worcester.
Just heard. How sad. I have to give my presentation today and I think I will spend some time on Lillian. I share her birthday.
This will be a day indeed.
Rest in Peace Lillian.
- Don
Mauro, sorry, I had to remove the photo and obituary as it is a copyright infringement to use the personal photo and copy the Worcester Telegram obituary verbatim from the newspaper, and without permission. The link above will take you to the same article and photo.
Very sad news indeed. With every survivor's passing a large part of history goes with them. I can only hope that Ms. Asplund has been reunited with her mother and father and all of her siblings. May she rest in peace.
I have already ordered the Worcester edition that has Lillians obituary. If it shows up in the New York Times, I would appreciate it if someone would let me know.
No problem Mauro. The NBC nightly news this evening carried a short piece on Miss Asplund with the familiar photo of her as a little girl with her mother and announced they were rescued in boat 4.