Identity of couple on A Deck Aft in Father Browne Photo


in another thread, Daniel Rosenshine said: "R. W. Smith had a travelling companion, Mrs. Nicholls, who only went as far as Queenstown (Craig Stringer is to thank for this info). Nicholls and Smith were acquainted with Fr. Browne so that's why the couple may have been a subject for his photo. "

Now, if Donald's info is true, and that Daniel's also is, it absolutely rules OUT the theory saying that Richard Smith and Mrs. Nichols are the people on the picture; why would Frank Browne wonder who the people in his photograph were if he knew them already ?!

Interesting turn in the case, isn't it ?

I don't know all the specifics, but both statements could be true. Lots of times on trips, you meet people and may fraternize with them enough to take their pictures, but when you get home, you'll be darned if you can remember who they are. Sometimes you don't even remember taking the picture.

I see your point Caroline, but the way Daniel said they were acquainted implied that they had known each other for some time, and no just met on the Titanic ...

In the thread I took that quotation from, people were looking for an actual picture of Richard W. Smith to compare it with the picture we're talking about ... has anybody found a picture of him yet ?

Hello Benjamin,

Craig was the one who corrected Mr to Mrs and gave us information on the lady.

Titanic's Contract Ticket List gave us the information that Mr E Nichols travelled on Ticket No 103 from Southampton to Queenstown.
Yes, Craig seems to be a very knowledgeable person about the Titanic, I wish he could join this topic to try to help us ...

(By the way, in the passengers list, Mrs. Nichols is still listed as "Mr" in this website)


By acquainted doesn't necessarily mean that the people knew each other by name. If I remember correctly from the book, the people all sat together at the table. So Browne knew them that way and thus was acquainted with them, and not necessarily by name.

What Donald said in fact confirms and *not* rules out the people! The "Mrs. N" who got off at Queenstown was obviously Mrs. Nichols, and the guy who continued on to NY was obviously Mr. Smith. The story fits perfectly and thus the popular consensus stands as it was!

Agreed, Daniel.

Since my initial inquiries in regard to the couple's identity, I now accept 57-year-old Richard William Smith and Mrs. Nichols to be the individuals featured.

It is a point of frustration, however, that I have yet to see a single photograph of Smith. A thorough inspection of contemporary Streatham newspapers could not even yield a grainy image.

Best Regards,
Incidentally, a postcard sent from the Titanic and later discovered when the vendor moved into his home in Norfolk, recently sold for £3,525. Postmarked Cork, it rather poignantly reads: “Have had a fine run round to Queenstown just leaving for the land of Stars and Stripes”.

Signed RWS.
Oh, very interesting comment Daniel - that would indeed explain it all

Yes, Ben, the postcard indeed is poignant

That's something that upsets me a little bit: how come nobody hasn't been able to find a picture of R.W. Smith ? (because, after all, even though the lady really is Emily Nichols, nothing definitely proves that the man is Richard Smith until we have a formal image identification (she could have taken a walk with any acquaintance from the table after all) (I guess I'm just hoping the gentleman in the picture isn't RWS, and survived the sinking).