Father Browne phtographs

I am Albert Horswell's Gr Gr Nephew and I have to say this man bears a striking resemblance to other family pictures. Could I ask what distinguishing features in his uniform mark the wearer out to be a QM?
Peter, deck crew in the merchant service were not required to were a formal uniform, though they are often seen wearing thick jerseys provided by the shipping line and adorned with its name. Also Royal Navy style caps were provided if the men chose to wear them, though many preferred ordinary flat caps as worn by a great many working men ashore. Only the quartermasters wore a Royal Navy style tunic with the large 'Jack Tar' collar, as seen in both the large photos above.
Thanks Bob. That's very helpful and explains why every other picture of Uncle Albert shows him dressed as you describe rather than in uniform.

It is interesting that in his 1934 radio interview he claimed to be QM on Titanic. But he also made a number of other claims that were somewhat embellished such as being in Lifeboat 16 when we know he was in the infamous boat No.1.

There's something of the Walter Mitty about him!
Here's a fun little project I gave myself. Trying to find the height of the Quartermaster (Olliver), in this picture. (Note: The image posted is an enlarged copy of the original image I used).

Olliver 2.jpg

I went about as such:

Height of Window = 42 in

Pixels in height of line drawn on window: 153

153/42 = 3.648571429

Every 3.648571429 pixels equals 1 inch

Pixels in line drawn next to man (yellow break represents height of window) = 223

223/3.648571429 = 61.11981205233518/12 = 5.093317671027932

.093317671027932x12 = 1.12

The man is 5ft 1.12in

(Note the man's head is tilted downward, so height is taken a back of elastic at cap)