Eino Panula Distant Relation To Sidney Goodwin

I read a report of Eino's identification process, and the last two children they looked in to after the Palsson boy, were Eino and Sidney. They said that after finding out both boy's DNA, they discovered that the two shared similiar DNA on the mother's side. The researchers said it was not uncommon that English folk, and Northern folk(Finland and Scandinavians) shared similiar DNA, down the family line, from a couple hundred years ago. Anyone wanna drop a line, because his is making my geneaology research more difficult.
Ooo, that's interesting. Could be they were distant, quite distant cousins. But then again, then this applies to modern English and Scandinavian children as well, that they share similar DNA.
How did they get hold of Sidney Goodwin's DNA, if he was never found? Just curious. May I read the article, what's its title?

Is this where this rumour is starting that the Unknown Child is "really" Sidney Goodwin? Phil Gowan was asking about this on Titanic-Titanic. If anybody has this report, perhaps they could pass it on to him.
It might be hard to find anybody with ancestry in Northern and Eastern England who doesn't have genetic components originating from the waves of Scandinavian settlement which began over 1000 years ago. In this case the researchers remarked that the two boys shared certain genetic components. But they shared those components also with 15% of the entire population of Northern Europe. So forget the idea of a family connection.
Phil Gowan has put up a very interesting post regarding the true identity of the "unknown child" on Titanic - Titanic com. Sidney Goodwin is actually the child buried in Halifax.

Well, this will change history just a bit.

May young Sidney Goodwin rest in peace.

I heard about this as soon as the announcement was made officially by Alan Ruffman at the BTS convention in Canada. Apparently he did continue DNA testing after those initial results and from what I gather found relatives of the Goodwin family and came up with a positive match. I am assuming Mr. Ruffman will publishing some sort of article on his findings in the near future as he is the one who did the work.
As Steve Santini is noting over on Titanic-Titanic.com, even the shoes are suspect in that they were tested for exposure to salt water and came up negative. Someone royally screwed this one up by not checking ALL the markers before making the announcement that Enio Panulo was the Unknown Child.

The thread is found at: titanic-titanic.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=3361&hilit=
Ok, are those the red shoes the baby was recovered with? If yes, even if it has no salt water traces, maybe due to incorrect measures, then measure the shoe's size. Take a 13 month old, a 19 month old, and a 27 month old male child and try to fit the shoes on them. See on which one the shoes fit the most. But maybe the shoes got loose from the water and seem bigger. It could be Urho Panula as well. He is always excluded. What if it's really him, who no one ever thinks about?
Plus, the people who identified victims sometimes made a bad job estimating a 15 year old to be 19. So it could be Urho as well. In addition, I don't trust the technology that dictates we can find because of the tooth material he has to be less than a month old. Yeah right. It was in water, under soil for nearly a century. The hard thing is that Eino, Urho, Gosta, and Sidney had all blond hair and maybe Sidney had blue eyes too. So this makes it even harder.
Poor baby, whoever he is.

Of course the little shoes and burial clothing may have been purchased and donated for the child for burial and need not have actually been items owned previously. Poor baby, indeed.
It is theorized that the shoes may actually be those of a child that was killed in a maritime boiler explosion ...

Now, I'm speaking as a man, age 43, who, although not really observant on things such as fashion, can readily tell the difference between a child who is twelve months and another who is nineteen months. We aren't talking about a young adult or an old-timer, but a small child whose very development would have followed closely with the development of any other normally sized child.

If I can tell by looking at a young child how old that one is (and mine are all 18 and over now) then any of the crew on the Mackay-Bennett who had younger children sure as little green apples could have judged how old a child Sidney was.

Shoes, clothes -- it doesn't matter what the child was supposedly dressed in; what does matter is that since the shoes were judged to fit a one-year-old child, only the first DNA marker was tested on Enio. That is where the critical mistake was made, and why after additional prodding the second DNA marker was tested -- showing conclusive proof that it isn't Gosta nor Enio, but Sidney Goodwin buried in the grave of the Unknown Child.

I would like to know when the extended family of Sidney Goodwin will be invited to the grave for a remembrance. Where are the press conferences and media releases? Why is this news leaking out so quietly? The identity of the Unknown Child has been one of the great mysteries of the Titanic; now that it has been solved, not even the ET biographies of Sidney Goodwin nor Enio Panula have been changed to reflect this news.

I'm a bit puzzled.
The 'Eino' identification was slow in public release too - it was leaked to me privately by a third party (and, I'm sure, to many other researchers) some time before any public announcement was made. Perhaps, given how many errors have been made in this matter, the researchers conducting this investigation want to make sure that they get it right this time, which is why nothing has been published yet by those directly involved? I see from Mike P's post that these new findings have been formally announced at the BTS convention - I'm going to hold off reaching any conclusions until I've seen the published data. That includes holding off criticising those involved. Too many people have leaped to conclusions regarding this child - and have been doing so since 1912, when a newspaper article first suggested the child was Gosta. I'm not associated in any way with this research, I might add, and have ambiguous feelings now about how desirable it was to attempt the identification given how evidently fraught with difficulty it was. That's hindsight, of course.

As for the ET biographies, unless someone directly involved can upload corrections to Phil, perhaps it's best to wait until this confusing matter is cleared up by a formal statement? If anyone has direct and reliable information that can be referenced, they might want to forward it to Phil.
>>...unless someone directly involved can upload corrections to Phil, perhaps it's best to wait until this confusing matter is cleared up by a formal statement? <<

I would agree that it is. We're doing a lot of speculating here and that's not necesserily a bad thing, but it's still speculation and we don't know anything first hand.