3D Titanic

I must say, not many things in this world leave me speechless, but these pictures did the trick!
...just wow...
IMO, I think that some of those sinking pics look better than the Cameron ones (yes, I even mean the non-CG sets).
Wow, like everyone else, I am speechless. Have you ever considered a career in this type of business? Your models are amazing. So what's next? It would really be cool to see a rendering of the Grand Staircase. That would blow my mind even more.

-Adam Lang
Hi everyone!

It's been a while since I posted anything here but I'm currently working on a animation of Titanic. Soon I'll post screenshots from the animations.

Hi everybody!

Back again with yet another rendering of Titanic's tragic faith.
I used Ken Marshall's beutiful painting as a reference to this one.
I hope you like it! Feel free to use it as your desktop if you want to! More renderings will come soon!

Regards, Christian

This animation, how long will it be and what will be the basic premise? Is is the ship sailing the open sea or is it a part of the sinking?

As for your renders,it would be interesting to adjust the lighting to more accurately reflect conditions the night of the sinking. I understand the night was nearly pitch black, with no stars visible.

It would be interesting to see what was actually visible from the lifeboats after the power failed and the ship had split in two. (although from an artistic standpoint, there's little to recommend this approach - and I suppose I could just copy your image and retouch in Photoshop to get the same visual). So much for that idea.

If you were to animate the sinking, there's a lot of new information that's come to light since Cameron's movie, as you probably know: namely, that the ship buckled from the bottom up. This would be a good topic for you to do, a revision of what we saw in the '97 film. Considering that Cameron used traditional models more than he used 3D animation and CG, a 100% computer-created sinking might also make a good demo reel for you (if you're trying to find a job in this field - but your compositing skills would also need to be pretty good).

Just my two cents. Keep up the excellent work.
Stars and planets were most certainly visible that night. No moon. There was no differentiation between sea and sky. No visible horizon. No haze. Just blackness.
Hello, Bryan---

Please note that Christian has not logged into this board since last December. (You can get that information by clicking on his name.) He may not respond to your message any time soon, if ever.
While on the beach today my kids and I made this sand boat. My six year old son insisted in adding the historically accurate iceberg sculpture to the stbd bow.

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