Alice Cleaver

Hi Grant

I am sorry you are not willing to let us get in touch with the actor. It is a shame because if he could provide solid evidence about what he told you, then maybe some actual research could go into the story, but since we only have your word for it (no offence) nobody is really going to believe a word of it.
"i will not put his privacy in jeopardy"

What are you on about? The guy is an actor and you have already quoted him as telling you in public what he said to you about the locket!

I also suggest you read Mary's post and take her advice.
the receipt and a photo of the locket in the photo shops records were found not the locket itself and testimony says bess who was the owner was seen rushing up to people crying and asking if they had seen him. i will look for that book however.
do you know which survivors gave the testimonies about Bessie rushing up to people with the locket? I have searched papers from England, Scotland, America and Canada in search of stories about the Allisons and I have never come across any survivor who even mentioned Bessie running up to people looking for her baby.

Regards Mary

how could she possibly have panicked when officers and other employees were telling the passengers there was no danger and they would be back for breakfast.

Read my post again. I said it was speculation, meaning I'm only guessing or assuming; it's not fact.


Alice cleaver was a mentaly unstable LUNATIC

What hard evidence do you have to suggest that?


doing her duty to protect trevor justifys nothing.

Oh yes, it does. Alice Cleaver was hired by the Allison's to care for Trevor; she was his nursemaid. If anything happened to Bess and Hudson which tragically it did, Alice was to take the initiative and make sure Trevor was safe. That was her responsibility and she did it very well.

Mary is correct about Alice Mary Cleaver, so it's downright impossible that they were one and the same.


i will not put his privacy in jeopardy

Huh? As John said, you have already quoted him, so what's the difference? Besides, his privacy would not be in danger.

One thing I will add to my post above; it's not advisable to take information such as that as fact. Just because the actor said it does not make it so. I suggest you check, double check and re-check this information, before you start believing it. That's what a good researcher would do.

I concur with Mary, I don't see how something as big as this could not have found it's way into the media. When it comes to Titanic, items such as this are not ignored. So, that doesn't wash with me.​
okay i have Researched the titanic and its people for years. i am also totally aware that just because someone says something dosen't make it so and if you read my previous post's the ones you haven't attacked me over i said i would contact him and get his sources.
Grant, and so have I. But when I quote things, I back them up. It is perfectly clear that you have NOT researched this subject properly at all. Also, as you have read, others here feel exactly the same as I do.
You can say whatever you want. i have researched the subject properly and have been featured on television speaking about Titanic and the people who sailed on her. i see that others feel the way you do and like i said i will contact him shortly and inform you of his sources.
Good for you. I have been on the radio. And IF as you say, you have researched the subject properly, then you missed some pretty vital stuff that will blow your ideas clean out of the water.